Make lockdown a better place.

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Sipsy's picture

Lockdown can't get any worse than it is, now. All the complaints ( too many to list ) are teaching the younger generation of lockdown'ers(?) to complain about that stuff too. It's toxic and the cycle continues. So instead of complaining because something may have happened and you may have died, if you've got nothing nice to say, just keep it to yourself, or turn it around and compliment the person for the kill, it'll make the other >person< feel good and you won't care so much about your mistake of dying. It's not like you're gonna be dead the whole game, because in lockdown, you don't have just one life, you've got multiple. And a 7 ~ 20 second revive time really isn't that long to wait before you extract your revenge, should you have nothing nice to say.
But if you really, really, really, really, really really, really, really, really, really can't deal with these things then you're not playing the game the way it's meant to be played. Spiral knights was a game that was made so that people could have fun ( and yes, some games aren't, eg. Facebook games which had a soul purpose of making money ), so if you're not having fun in lockdown and getting mad instead then maybe lockdown isn't right for you.

tl;dr - We're doomed.

Fanks for reading.

Meep-The-Bank's picture

Projection of a viewpoint on the forums don't really gain enough attention. I understand that it's toxic however to be honest, that's normal. It's best to start a new way forward than complain and try to change the old. Have you, by any chance, played in a PUG match held by Dreffu? Quite a friendly part of the community that just chooses to have fun together.

Anyways, hopefully you get what I'm coming from. It's better to ignore the things that keep you in position and consider the things that'll help you and aren't a waste of time.

Deleted-Knight's picture

"Spiral knights was a game that was made so that people could have fun."

When I made this statement, I was surprised by the number of people who disagreed. I think that is the main problem.

tahts y i play bn In all

tahts y i play bn

In all seriousness, I agree there are too much people who complain in LD.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
Complaints about balance

Complaints about balance (teams, items, etc) should be taken a bit serious, things about any game that are perceived as broken should be fixed, leaving them as status quo is not good.

The problem though is that SK seems to encourage the brokenness of the game, you can BUY trinkets, you can BUY uvs (after rolling who knows how many times), you can BUY weapons (mixmaster anyone?), and you can BUY BK items (something the casual player doesn't do is no life grind when Kataclysm comes out now do they have 10 mil to spend on books in the AH).

Until LD becomes a place where the Paying player and Free to play players are on level ground with the ONLY separating factor being skill LD will forever be broken.

Theirillusion's picture

If you're saying LD becomes a better place if you ignore or encourage the bad sides of it, then everything bad about it stays or becomes worse.

Gianor's picture
Lockdown gets worse by the day...

...but only because you selfish impatient players make it worse by complaining.

Krakob's picture

All the complaints ( too many to list ) are teaching the younger generation of lockdown'ers(?) to complain about that stuff too.
This is inaccurate. I'm much more toxic nowadays than when I was new to Lockdown!

Plancker's picture
"Until LD becomes a place

"Until LD becomes a place where the Paying player and Free to play players are on level ground with the ONLY separating factor being skill LD will forever be broken."

Getting everyone an equally good connection wont happen, so skill will never be the only factor

Holy-Nightmare's picture
Skill and connectivity are

Skill and connectivity are variables out of the designer's hands, regardless of what they do these variables will have an effect on gameplay, other variable can be changed though and it is these variable these need to be balanced.

Turn-Me-On's picture
Complaints mean people don't

Complaints mean people don't want things as they are.

In an F2P game, I can see how this is viewed as bad. But normally complaints are the only way the developers know what's wrong.

The SK mods/devs have never played LD to the extent that the well-known players have, and therefore don't have the picture of what its like to be killed by an AT flourish combo, spammed repeatedly with Polaris, killed by an AT hammer combo, killed by an AT DA combo, killed by an AT antigua/valiance spammer, killed by AT in general. And I agree.

After not playing LD for months, I thought "huh, I don/t see why AT is that bad. It keeps skill low, and is easy to counter with prediction"

But after getting back into LD, it pretty much takes over the scope of focus. AT complaints bombard you to a point where you feel the same way. The thing is, there is no good justification FOR using AT that anyone has brought up. Everything anybody says about AT is negative. And since AT is the main complaint in LD, and only negative (nobody says anything positive about AT and gets support), that is what brings the negativity.

Polaris does, but to a lesser extent. LD has been quite lacking in good polaris spammers lately.

The-Germ's picture

As it appears to me they really don't give a F about this game to invest their time into it... even with MINOR pvp updates. No game mechanic update or tweak in years. The last map update had the worst designs to date. All this stuff screams apathy - just use a premade design tool to make new costumes once or twice a month and make money on a game that's destined to die. If the game doesn't get updates with new things to explore (even slight mechanics and improvements), we just consume each other eventually... so making LD a better place does sound great when you say it. Things always sound good on paper. Much tougher in reality.

In LD, the veterans know what can be exploited. and you'll choose to either use it or not depending on your view of how the game should be played and your sense of honor.

But if you're reading this then likely you're just like me right now either way.

We keep coming back to this broken mess like we keep crawling back to a slutty ex-GF. We know what will happen, but we hope beyond hope that things will be different... and maybe they will.

See? It's tough not to hope sometimes!

Valtiros's picture
And what do you do with all

And what do you do with all the competitive aspect, the will of victory? the desire of overcoming all your opponents? to be the best? I assume that even if it s not really violent there must always remain some kind of rivality between the players.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
Gives us 1v1s for the

Gives us 1v1s for the competetives and lets us casuals keeps the standard LD

For now LD is just another wall keeping me from getting some cool recipes, not really fun.... just a wall

Gianor's picture
Aw man Blue, thought you were better than them...

They got you too. The world is ending.