Coliseum keep saying I'm T3 while I'm wearing T2 Loadout! HELP!

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My loadout is:-

Helmet: Dusker Cap
Armor: Dusker Coat
Weapon 1: Flourish
Weapon 2: Antigua
Shield: Defender

My loadout says:
"PvE: T2"
"PvP: T2"

BUT! The Coliseum says:
"You are Tier 3."

I'm tried restarting the game, relogin, I've joined a Lockdown Match to see if its glitched, but it puts me inside a Tier 3 match.
I even tried to put on full proto and it still says I'm Tier 3 while my loadout says i'm T1.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Meep-The-Bank's picture

1. Uncheck all of your loadouts.
2. Unequip your pet.

Thank you so much man!

Thank you so much man!

Klipik-Forum's picture

Just a note, the pet has no effect.