The rising of the Valkyrie Knights
Tue, 06/07/2011 - 08:03

Hello just wanted to announce that we have created a guild whose currently aiming to recruit 100 Valkyrie knights if your interested or anyone else who have read this that has interest in the Valkyrie set join us the "Valkyrie Knights"!!!
Mail me if you want to join my in game name is "Whitelancer"
By the way i defeated Vanaduke 3 times now by just using Valkyrie set with no UV or any fire resistance hehe.
Wed, 06/08/2011 - 13:11

I would like to join, albeit Im not at angelic level yet.
My optimum gear is
Valkyrie Helm and armor, Venom hunting blade.
Right know im at level two with cutter.
My in game name is Seiei.
Now only owed 25k ;)