Before you start trolling.
OR something else.
Don't read and don't waste your time and don't let me waste my time on you.
So spiral knights is a new game, it has been annouced to be a free game RIGHT ?
WRONG! what is free about it ? you can play after waiting a whole day ?
You can buy energy what is the price of it ? 6.5k Really ??
You can upgrade you gears/weapons for 800 CE ??
So this game has the most failing economy I ever have seen, comparing to other games.
This game has the most failing f2p Expension ?
Bugs in game after a patch ? U don't even take the time to test it and to look what glichtes/bugs could be ?
Games are to enjoy not only money. IF no1 is enjoying then you won't make money.
So it wouldn't be long ;)
Ow as a company you fail to.
Maybe Japanees camponies would make this verry better/good.
You're the one trolling, no bad feelings.
Spiral Knights offers you easily an hour of free gameplay a day; from these first hours you can start making yourself crowns and improve your gear, as much as your skills. You should learn that free to play games are free to incitate you to pay on it. If you don't want to pay, but hate to play for free, don't play.