When you preview the pages it shows:
Warning: This page contains too many expensive parser function calls.
It should have less than 100 calls, there are now 159 calls.
It's not showing the icon images at the bottom of the page.[Even the old stuff like Volcanic Salamander Helm]
Could the problem be the icon images are also linking to the page of the item? Or is it the cells themselves?
I could edit out the linking icon if that is what the problem is.
Edit: Oh so it was just a false alarm sorry
No, leave the linking there.
Parser function calls are due to an Ifexist condition (or large pagesize). The warning seems scary but it's not like, a thing to worry about. Basically, it's another form of tag/category, if you will, letting us know that images are missing. They could word it so it seems less like the end of the world, for sure.
We have the ifexist condition in place as of late to reduce the amount of long redtext filenames breaking template organization, replacing them with generic images such as arsenal icons. This is because it can take editors a while to recolor an icon if the icon isn't directly in the game files, as it is with more unique items. We have to huemap those reds/blues/greens for many icons, and well, that just takes a long time, and not many people want to do it. So Icytea came up with this solution, and is working on many icons. I think all of them actually. Go icytea!
This is good because most users don't notice this sort of thing and it keeps the wiki tidy, AND pages let editors know that images are missing with that "warning." Simply click on a generic-looking image to upload the file that should go there, and the parser call will go away.
As far as icons that we know are there and not showing up? Bleh, it's wiki nonsense, and will work itself out eventually - sorta like updating new image uploads takes a while.