To the fresh out of the escape pod players, I cry for you!

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Legacy Username

Sega-RON has united forces with the three evil rings, to destroy you!

Sadly, the pendulum has swung, and its momentum will ruin you.

I wanted to find out how long it will take a nub, fresh out of the cannister to get to full *5 gear. IE. Armor, Helm, Shield +1 Weapon. This nub fresh from the cannister can not buy CE, but can only operate on ME. For this analysis we will assume that the nub has access to all necessary mats for free

*2 recipes cost 1400 cr and 50 CE.
*3 recipes cost 5000 cr and 200 CE
*4 recipes cost 12500 cr and 400 CE
*5 recipes cost 30000 cr and 800 CE
For simplicity, I am going to convert the CE to a CR value at the today's exchange rate of 100 CE - 6500 CR

The results are as follows.
*3=18k CR
*4= 38.5k CR
*5= 82kCR

So to transfer from t1-t2 costs this nub-cake 14600 (this was the hardest info to get newbs are freaking stupid especially when you offer them 20 ce to answer a few questions) From the nubcakes I questioned they seem to generate 2k cr per t1 run. So 8 days to get into full t2 equipment.

*2-*3 (we will assume that he is now Jelly capable and this nub never requires eng revival. Gets matched with amazing groups for jelly king)
It will cost him 72000 Cr. For ease of this discussion I made each full jelly run 100CE. The nub gains 7k CR. It costs him 6500 CR to buy 100 CE to keep playing earning him profit of 500 CR. It will take this nub 144 jelly runs to become t3. Each run lasts about 1 hour so it will take him 144 hours of game play to get into t3.

*3-*4 154k CR Same as before in regards to income with Jelly Run. 500 cr profit resulting in 302 jelly runs

*4-*5 328k CR to get into 5 star gear. Same as before with jelly runs. 656 jelly runs.

(edited to show stars)

So in total.
t2 gear costs 12 days of work (12 days of 1 hour playing days)
t3 gear costs 144 hours of jelly king
t4 gear costs 302 hours of jelly king
t5 gear costs 656 hours of jelly king.

12 1 hour days for t2 gear
and then to get to t5 gear will be 45 straight days of playing

REjoice people of middle earth. Sega-RON and the Three rings who wish to rule you all, love you. They also want you to do mindless things for 1092 hours of your life. Just so you can play the game to the end.

Lets wait for a response from the DEVS.

Legacy Username
There is no Tier 4 and Tier 5

There is no Tier 4 and Tier 5 in this game yet.

Legacy Username

Didn't you, or someone else, already make this thread?
