Weapons damage and resistances

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Dakonya's picture

Hi, I'm kind of "new" to lockdown and I still don't get some things:

1) I used the leviathan and glacius today, both are the same agaisnt neutral targets but glacius annihilates while Levi doesnt
2) Is the defense in lockdown helping or no? I mean will you take like 3 to 4 bars less from a resisted source of damage or only one or two?
3) Is the damage between status flourishes and pure flourishes noticeable?
4) Is there a huge difference between a max dmg weapon , med and no dmg bonus weapon? . It would be better if you explained this using pipes of hp rather than numbers.
5) Using half ancient will help to tank better? or is it just for its 2 extra hp?
6) Which guns deal the most dmg? Callahan?
7) Is a triglav combo weaker that a da/gf combo?
8) how many hits does it take to kill a full hp trinket guy? With florusihes or da/gf

Holy-Nightmare's picture
Leviathan is resisted by

1 Leviathan is resisted by anything with a normal damage bar, glacius on the other hand deals partial elemental damage so armors that don't resist elemental will take more damage.

2 Defense is only marginally helpful, more players use armor with damage boosts that deal more damage than your resists can counter, still it is safer to have a pair of full bars protecting you from two types than half bars no matter even if you have 4 half bars.

3 Status flourishes tend to get overlooked since they deal a fair bit less damage. They can offer up new play styles but only if you get lucky enough for that status to land, in the end it is Better to have that reliable regular flourish.

4 Max damage makes a big enough difference to make sets that allow this all you ever see in LD.

5 Ancient has a massive normal bar and when paired up with certain items can give you a defensive boost you want. Most pair it with the BKC for a bit of extra hp while still having power.

6 Lots of guns can deal high damage but you also should look at how people use them, some are risky to use but have a high payout others are easy to spam and just annoy players by being an almost ever present source of damage.

7 Trig is not weaker but it is slower and only deals normal damage this speed problem and the fact that most armors gave normal resist is why few use the trig.

8 Depends on your damage buffs and their resistance to you attacks.

Theirillusion's picture
Valtiros's picture
7) Admitting your opponent

7) Admitting your opponent has no noticeable resistance Uvs, You will need 2 DA/GF hits to kill him + 1 ff hit or 4 ff hits .

Maybe less if he wears some unexpected and unefficient set.

Klipik-Forum's picture

Not sure if you know this, but it's probably worth mentioning that heat levels do make a difference, and you take extra hits to kill people with non-level-10 GF's.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
@ Klipik

But some weapons are better at 5 stars, Alchemer charges get harder to dodge, Bombs get a larger radius (irontech excluded), Brandish charges go further, etc.

In the end it is better to research and heat according to what gets better faster.

When it comes to basic attacks you are often better with 4 star weapons (except bombs)