Look you guys should be thinking of it this way. This game still allows you to have a life. Go play games like Evony which require you to be online all day long in order to protect yourself and your cities and see how much money you end up spending there. They claim to be a F2P game as well. Look switching from Evony to SK was by far one of the best decisions I made. I have more time on my hands to do other things while still being able to get my gaming fix a couple of hours a day with an outstanding game, that has only been out a very short time, and they have been releasing new content on a semi regular basis, go look at other MMO games that there is never new content released, except for content focused on making you pay more money to play there free games. OOO has released a new boss with pre-boss levels attached to help out T1 players so they can gain a sense of achievment, they have released new weapon families. Look you can either keep f'ing complaining and stinking up the forums, you can leave the game and just say f you all (that's your right to do so) or you can play the game either by free means or by ponying up some cash. Everything that a P2P player can do a F2P can do as well. It's just that it will take you longer to accomplish it. Everyone that is a F2P player see's all the P2P players running around in their 5* gear and they want that and they want it now and they want it to be free, well i'm sorry tough cookies. If you want it quickly pay for it. Plan and simple. Enough said all discussions on these topics should be put automatically in their proper place, THE GRAVEYARD.
Consider yourself lucky!

I totally agree with this post. And Evony is a scam.

Evony did have some pretty awesome ads, though.*
*Just kidding.
You're right, ShadowSgt! I should fill my life as a disabled person with shallow people I don't like, in places I can't reach, at times determined by when my roommates get home!
Or I can hope the games I play benefit from what constructive criticism I can provide.
Not that I'm a whiner like those other yahoos.
I agree. Sure their might be issues but its not with the ME or CE in my opinion. And the convos should be put in the graveyard. The forums use to be realfun and informative!
Also with Envoy: on Whirled (one of Three Rings other projects) they held a contest making fun of the adds for it. :)

This game is directed at casual F2P games and hardcore gamers have to pay or get a life. :P The thing I don't get though is that most casual gamers are people who have real life jobs and they are usually the people who are willing to play. But I guess CE isn't just for playing more but there are some other useful CE sinks. Hardcore gamers are usually the people who don't pay(except for the snobby kids who steal their mom's credit card XD) but I guess OOO is targeting some kids like that. This game has the best mechanics for an MMO game in my opinion because it's not a stupid clicking game(Facebook copyright) or boring battle systems where you hit, get hit, hit, OMG CRITICAL(hit), monster dies. W00t I got 200G! I'm rich bro! <--- Boring. This game actually has more depth to its battle system and it's rather interesting with the pressure plates, breakable tiles, etc. You don't get bored of grinding and that's saying something. I even enjoy watching the Jelly King blow up into a puddle of goo.
Evony had the best adds evar. Promoting perverted kids with their semi nude pictures of girls and it saying "Save me, prince!". Oh my god, epic advertisements. I went on Evony and all I see on the chat is "WHERE THE F ARE THE NAKED GIRLS!?!?!? TELL ME B*CHES!!!!". I play the game for a couple of seconds and my response was this: *Faceplam...* *Closes with Task Manager to save the pain of looking at the screen for the red X.*
Like I said, OOO actually takes the time to add some challenges as well not some over powered bull crap that makes you god once you reach the "end game". I don't really mind Devilites and their chair tossing but Quicksilvers are soooooooo annoying with the Flame Puppies. X_X
"Evony did have some pretty awesome ads, though.*
*Just kidding."
Ooooohhhhh, buuuuuuuurn. This is why I love Eurydice.
Casual players are just as important to this game as paying ones. If the game only allowed people to play with CE after the first 100 mist was done, the population would be tiny, and all good MMOs are reliant on population and community.
This game is simply not the caliber of other pay-to-play games. I'm sorry, but it's not. But that's okay, because it's not pay to play. It gives you a choice: free to play, and spend tons of time in the game, or pay to play and jump ahead of the grind.
For a relatively simple game like this, it's a fine model. It just needs some fine tuning to keep the entry level for new players accessible.
Are you seriously comparing SK to the scam that is Evony?