Zave's LD notes (*teaser*)

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a little section outta my notes a few friends encouraged me to write down.

the driver:
the 1st thing to notice about the driver vs other guns is that the projectiles are slow. not as slow as polaris, but definitely slower than a valeince or AP.
this means you have to lead the shots a little more than with some other guns and that it's going to be easier to hit people the closer you get to them. ideally you want to use almost all guns at maximum range, but the driver is still very good for close range combat.
the bounce effect makes close range combat even better in most cases as well as helping in team fights. remember that the bounce always goes counterclockwise from where it was shot. (shoot up, bounce goes to your left. shoot left, bounce goes down)
the driver is strong enough that you don't absolutely have to take the bounce into account, but if you don't you'll be missing out.
most drivers have a status effect. as a gun you're taking more shots than a sword would swing, and can apply a status at range. obviously good stuff. well, now you get bounce shots. that's a second chance to cause the status... just in case. along with extra damage.

*aggressive vs passive bounce positioning: this is all about walls or using other opponents as a replacement for said wall.
your accuracy is largely going to determine which style you should use, however opponents may not let you into that position. so keep in mind it's a general strategy.
aggressive: you'll need good accuracy for this style to work well. when you're being aggressive you actually want to keep the wall behind you or off to the left and stay close to it. the most aggressive position you can be in as a driver gunner is directly in a corner.
the reasoning behind this is your shot is hitting with good aim, and you don't wanna waist that bounce. so let it bounce again off the wall and get a chance for more dmg. (and more status effect chance!)
passive: if you're not hitting (or just not confident) keep the wall behind them. that way if you miss your shot can hit the wall and come in from behind them. try to keep them close to it by shooting at their other escape paths every one in a while.
-note- this doesn't work well when people directly hug the wall because the bounce angle will almost never be wide enough to hit them unless they're right next to it. (so keep that in mind when fighting drivers too!)

-driver charge shots: driver charges have the maximum range of all gun charges. (unless you add in the space gained by callahan's self knock-back)
blah blah blah... it gains the increased status chance that all weapon charges seem to get.
it also gains a predictable bounce spread and will spread if it reaches maximum range without hitting anything.
that's all normal stuff you should know.
**HOWEVER** the charge has a... special exploit. if you can hit the charge shot at maximum range, then all the bounce shots will be spawned touching the target. that's 4-5 shots if you can get the near pixel perfect spacing on a moving target.
normally that's not going to do anything.... unless they're charging a weapon! with a properly aimed (and timed) driver charge you can one shot almost all strikers, even from full health. it's also massive dmg to bombers.
i'm fairly confident that all the bounces retain their chance to do status effects... so x4-x5 the normal increased stat chance. so basically, if you can land that shot then they will die one way or another.

basically i'm trying to jot down everything i've noticed from LD over my time playing and wanted to see if you guys liked it or wanted more.

Theirillusion's picture

I think all readers here know everything you wrote here. But it's by far better than most othr threads in this section.

Sipsy's picture

Also note that Van-Winkle ( Me ) has a 101% shock rate on the first storm driver bullet. ( Shock max lowers the chance to 102% )

All facts aside,

Here's a tip for beginners to help remember the direction of the ricochet so you don't get confused while turning/rotating : The bullet will ricochet toward your shielding hand / weaponless hand - the opposite hand which you're shooting from.