New Gunner Update armours in Lockdown

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Krakob's picture

Let's start with looking at the statistics!

  • Defence equivalent of Chaos in Normal and anything else
  • +4 resistance to one status, -4 to another
  • Gun ASI, CTR, and DI low
  • Regular 5* health

The available status combinations are:

  • +Fire, -Shock
  • +Shock, -Freeze
  • +Freeze, -Poison
  • +Poison, -Fire

Full guide to all the paths by Klipik


Onto analysis.
Compared to what's already available, I can't say the new stuff is very attractive. There's already the regular Gunslinger line, which can provide a bit more defence, less spread out stats, the same resistance yet no weakness. For example, Shadowsun packs a little more Normal defence, +2 DI, +4 poison, and no weakness. Makes the new stuff look quite pale. There's also the Black Kat Set and Chaos, which give more weaknesses but pack a much greater punch.

So, where does this stuff actually shine? For starters, it has a greater bonus than Shadowsun and company. The sum of the bonuses per piece is +3 as opposed to +2, but I reckon it's not worth the huge weakness you get. I can only see a few uses of the new set, honestly:

  • You can stay above minimum defence by combining a Shade item with Black Kat Cowl and still get a form of gun ASI. However, we could already do that with Fallen. If you already had ASI VH on your swords and played Striker, the new items would be entire superior in terms of offense as you'd have +1 gun DI instead of a wasted point of ASI on swords that are already maxed.
  • The Falcon items (shock resistant) provide a unique Shadow defence + Shock resistance combination. A lot of people like the Mercurial and Mercurial Demo items exactly for this reason. It makes it possible to build a Voltaic Tempest immune set that uses Black Kat Cowl. While one of the most liked aspects of a Merc + BKC set is that it gives +2 MSI, a Shade Falcon armour + BKC will provide the same shock walking possibilities in addition to better defence. What's notably lacking here is the ease of getting freeze walking, as you'll be back to +/-0 due to Falcon's freeze weakness.
  • With a full Falcon set, you can build an inherently shock walking set and still maintain some forms of offensive bonuses useful for non-bombers. That's something new, I'm quite sure.

What possibilities does the rest of the community see? As much as I've thought about it, I'm sure that there's something I'm unable to come up with that someone else will tell the rest of us about.

Holy-Nightmare's picture
The problem with the success

The problem with the success (or lack of) of the GU gear is that we already have so many Max and VH sets. (snarby, chaos, BK, Shadowsun, Skolver)

Those who have BK sets or Chaos sets see little need to get new gear when what they have can kill faster, especially when most have heavily UVed gear the only UV you can't get is straight up damage and thus sets that offer the largest amount of that will outcompete what ever is offered to us.