Which should i get GF VS DA
Which is better?
i got faust and avanger so i'm think what should i pick
i'm thinking getting a DA
Don't know about them aside from wiki data they look prety much even

Aside from their attack type (DA is elemental, Faust is shadow), the main difference is in their charge attacks and effects. Faust/Gran Faust's regular swings have a chance of inflicting curse on most monsters.
At their four-star forms, their charge attacks lay down a sword bullet on the floor that deals about 240-250ish damage in T2. After about a second, it flies forward, dealing multiple hits and pushing the enemy back (about 40-60 damage per successful hit). Faust's charge attack has a chance of cursing you though.
DA's charge attack shoots 3 sword bullets in a spread pattern, which is super-ideal for large construct mobs in the last Arena rounds. Gran Faust's charge shoots one large sword bullet that does a little more damage than the regular Faust. The size makes it easier to safely hit say, large bosses, lichen colonies. The downside to this, however, is that it takes 5 full seconds to charge - at level 10!
That said, DA is good for taking down larger-number mobs and constructs - good in arenas and graveyards. GF is good for taking down fewer/more-tightly-packed mobs and certain (mini)boss type creatures (Jellies, lichen colonies, and Jelly King).
Huh i do l FSC but all were failures duke 1-hit kill me is hard
Jelly king i hate to many swarming
Recored(does not count time didn't reach boss)
Duke 3 Me 0
jelly knig 7 me 17
Mob does sound good agasit those dam slags walker for FSC ,my stagery is attack by swtich side of a slag and spam crage of avanger DA
But i do so many JK runs + on losing steak 5 straight loss i think Jelly King laugh at me every time it
+ that new update about jelly are getting upgrades sound tough so GF sound perfect
my areasnl is that bad i think is this bad for wep
all 3* version on haze bomb (out recomdation of guild)
Swift foursh
slient nightblade
i think ther okey
DA sound better hate being mob by anything i will go with that and do GF latter

Just a point, from someone who uses heavy swords constantly (Khorovod/GF/Avenger)-
Heavy swords are slower damage overall than the 3 hit swords. The only times they are faster damage ARE when you're being mobbed by like, 4+ monsters. They're super defensive to use, and you'll end up using their first hit more than their second hit unless you're confident you can keep yourself safe with knockback.
hm so the overall DPS then 3 hit sword guss i could get ascened caliber i need 3 swing sword i guss i heard it was well rouned sword and buy 3rd slot
well DA or GF which ever i guess i would take detertirmine which i use for runs
now i feel sad i been tier 3 for week and have no clue on any weps

Get the DA. Regular Faust is sufficient unless you run across lots of T3 gremlins, and the DA charge attack will save your butt plenty of times. It will take a bit of getting used to if you've never used the heavy swords though.
Kinda depends on where you plan on doing most your fighting. If you plan on spending loads of time in FSC go with the DA. If you find you spend most your time doing jelly runs, get the GF.
Also would depend on your other weapons. Clearly, you'd want to fill in the wholes of your arsenal. If you have a nightblade already...you wouldn't need the GF. If you are lacking shadow damage, but have an Ice sword (elemental) than the GF would probably be better.