Greetings to you all, fellow knights!
Welcome to the Tri-Guard Division! I am Boyjakey, the creator of the next generation Tri-Guard Division, it is my duty to brief you on some things before you get started.
Why Did I Make the Tri-Guard Division?
If you wan't to get straight to the point, the summary is at the bottom of this text.
Aright, So I have started role-playing at the begging of the year (2014) so I would have a reason to not stop playing spiral knights, I thought maybe there was a role-play guild out there, so I started my search, 1 month later, still nothing, so I decided to make my own, so here it is! I realised that if I just made a guild and called a Role-play guild, people would join and stand around going. "Soooooooo.... What do we do...?", so I needed to give a role-play scenario, after some more research and thinking I didn't know what to do. When the Operation MIMIC promo came along, I had a little peak at the responses on steam, the ones that caught my eye were the ones that went along the lines of "This is not a real operation, it's just promos...", that got my thinking, what if I made a guild that would make the promo operations a real operation, I didn't really know how I was going to do this but then the scarlet scouts promo came along, then I thought, what If I made an interactive Recon Rangers type of guild, so now I just needed a name that worked for the guild I was going to create, at that time, I purchased the Deluxe Starter pack, and with it the Tri-Guard armour, And than I thought, maybe this could be the face of the guild I wanted to create, so, I called it Tri-Guard!
Summary: Basically this is an Interactive Recon Rangers with the purpose to make the promo operations actually have an operation mission to play.
The Tri-Guard Backstory.
Shortly after the Artefact was found by a recruit, a Division by the name of Tri-Guard was created by Gerexon, it was simply at first going to be the Spiral order's Safe but a short time after Tri-Guard was created, the lab was built and the artefact was moved there, Gerexon and the few knights with him were then to be the guards of haven, as the division grew they began to do other things such as dangerous missions in the clockworks and assisting others in need, they also helped Geo knights get to where they needed to go in the clockworks for their research. In the beginning of Tri-Guard it was just three knights, Gerexon, Kongrett and Onrathic, the division at first wasn't going to be any bigger than three people, there for they called them self Tri-Guard as in the three guards, in time the division became a great Organisation and but the name stayed as Tri-Guard, they found it catchy. not too long ago there was an attack on haven, this attack was a Gremlins attempt to retrieve the artefact, the attackers also attacked on some guild halls and the Tri-Guard HQ, the attackers came out of the ground so suddenly that most of the knights weren't even ready for battle which resulted in many casualties including Gerexon, Kongrett and Onrathic, they each sacrificed their lives for many others, if it wasn't for them, everyone in the Tri-Guard HQ would've fell in battle. But what happened to the survivors you ask? Some left to do their own thing, some retired, some even ran away, some wanted to avenge the three leaders. recently HQ has been looking at a new knight to run Tri-Guard, they've provided the resources needed for the division, now this knight is to recruit members and train a new Organisation of Tri-Guard knights and await for directives from HQ.
Role-play Tips.
- Try to not make yourself a strong almighty great amazing character, give the character flaws, for example your character may be Strong but he or she is really dumb.
- Try using full words when you talk and try to make it Knight-y, like an old English sort of thing.
- Use the /me to describe to everyone what you are doing for example, /me Picks up a hat and eats it.
- Make a story, make you character unique by giving it a story and personality.
- Just role with it, if something happens that you didn't expect, just go along with it, try and turn it back.
- When talking to an officer or Commander (Guild master) be sure to put Commander / Officer before there name, for example: Commander Fancy pants, I need a pack of sweets for reasons I will not say to you.
Tri-Guard Uniform.
Now, Tri-Guard amour is the Uniform for this guild but because it is only acquirable by a lucky buy in the Auction house or paying $20 for the deluxe stater pack, it is not required to have it, maybe one day it will be creatable or obtainable from the bazaar amour merchants. also I'm thinking the Symbol for Tri-Guard would be the Green ward shield texture but if you have a better idea, go ahead and tell me what you think.
Tri-Guard Commanders and Officers:
- Commander - Boyjakey
- Officer - Twosphyco
Joining the Tri-Guard Ranks.
All ranks are accepted, this is a training ops division as well as many other things so all are welcome. even if you're not a role-player but you would like to try it out you can still join!
Knight Name:
Knight Rank:
Backstory (Optional but recommended):
Aprox. Playtime:
NOTE: This guild is currently quite small. The guild hall is not very big, it has five expansions and only the first floor is filled with furniture, the population is quiet small too, but join and give it some time and the guilds population plus the hall itself will grow over time, thank you so much for your help and understanding.
Thank you for taking the time to look and read through this thread, I hope to see you in the Tri-Guard ranks.
"May the odds be ever in your favour."
- Boyjakey
If you have any questions you would like to ask, contact me using spiral knights mail or just send a reply here!
"May the odds be ever in your favour!"
- Boyjakey