Tortodrone questions

Can you only obtain Ancient Shells during Mrch of the Tortodrones? Can you only fight them during said event too?

Well,this makes it a little bit unfair.
Those who were able to do the mission gets the items,but those who couldn't (not didn't) can't have,and will have problems buying them.
The lowest I saw was 3.75M,and it was Stoic Buster.Now,I can't see any of them.

Its not unfair, and there's no "couldn't" anyone could get to it

Try to find one in one of the trees in Cradle.Let's see if you can get one.
Or try getting it from enemy drops.

This is a recurring event so it isn't unfair.

As holy just said, the event does come back a couple times each year. The guns/shields themselves are quite awful at the moment, and are really more of a novelty than anything. If you *really* want them now, you wouldn't have much trouble finding the 5*s for 7.5-8k ce each on trade chat/forums.

Sorry I'm late on response but as holy said, its a recurring event so you will always get another chance
The "drop from trees" comment was unnecessary and didn't prove any points or contribute to your argument

Then let me re-phrase it.
It is unfair until the event happens again.

Much like every event item in every MMO game ever made.......

If it's supposedly 'fair' once the event starts again, then there's nothing unfair about it.
The closest to 'unfair' anything in this game is the Mixmaster. And even that's a bit of a stretch.
Anyway... back on topic, I've never fought a Tortodrone before, what should I expect?

Shadow damage from respawning Fiends that support them (the Greavers do not respawn)
Normal and some Pierce (mostly normal) from the Tortodrones (as well as lots of Stun and some Shock).
Tortodrones are Fast and dangerous, their stun shockwave is deceptively large, they can rain down shock dealing spikes from above (but they have to hold still), and their charges can come across the map and lock you into corners. Silkwings will be present but since Tortodrones resist status the VV haze bomb (as well as any Haze bomb) won't work.
They also resist all non Normal damage.
Basic rules
Do not break Tortodrone Corpse until match is over and all teammates are alive.
High DPS weapons are a must (Blitz, PepperBox, and Combuster are all very viable)
Tips: Strong Statuses last for a very short time so be sure to take advantage of that fact (shock and freeze can immobilize them even if for a second)
For Kiting use the Supernova (probably one of the best places for this gun)
And always bring more sparks than you expect to use.

Sorry, more questions
They resist all non-normal damage, so does that mean they don't resist normal damage? If so, that would make Pepperbox a great choice. Does the Pepperbox's knockbak affect the Tortos?
Can you trap them with a 5* vortex?
I saw the vid, what does those black boxes do? The vortex like things

They are neutral to normal damage
The PURPLE boxes create a vortex that pulls everything in, but doesn't damage it
I'm not sure about The vortex bomb
@epic if you think its unfair that events aren't permanent I wonder what you DONT get butthurt about

They are neutral to normal damage and have a slight weakness to fire (still not enough for hazes). They are pretty much immune to knockback.
Vortxes can't stop them, and no one has tried a BAB. (nor should)
There has been some that tout Blitz as superior but I haven't seen evidence, just word of mouth.

I think a pepper box would be better than a blitz due to the damage not being resisted, I'm pretty sure they can't get knockbacked

If I recall right, I don't think we've had a tortodrone event after the gun update, right? Maybe some new options there, or just that using needle guns is easier with being more mobile. Also the Iron Slug, tundrus, etc.

I think the tortodrones are next
And I have a question, do attacks that normally pierce enemies (Antigua birds, DA ghost swords) work on tortodrones? It helps to know stuff like this before hand in case my iron slug loses 3/4 of its damage from only hitting once

The best part is that the Fiendish Glyphs have a nice high drop rate unlike some other events *cough Book of dark rituals cough*
@ Vohtarak
I believe they do but I would rather kite with a Supernova.

Thanks for the answer
The best part about the glyphs is that they're dirt cheap and unbound, that helps a lot

Blitz needle used to still do more damage than Pepperbox despite it being resisted (180s vs 160s with ultra damage). But, they gave Pepperbox a damage buff, so will have to wait until the next event to see which one is better.

How much was the damage raised? Because if the bar is the same as a blitz now it would definitely work better on tortodrones, and aren't they immune to fire or something like that?
Yes, but that doesn't prevent you from finding a nice base item to alchemize up from. Guns with CTR and shields with the correct damage resist are greatly appreciated.
It also makes it so that you have time to accumulate sparks for the upcoming battles.
And of course there is the anticipation of possible new items.