ASI Confusion

11 replies [Last post]
Epicskunk's picture

So,there are 3 UVs for every weapon :
ASI,which is Attack Speed Increase,
CTR,which is Charge Time Reduction,
And DCreature Name (EX : DGremlin),which is Damage vs.

I can understand any of the CTR and Damage vs. UVs,but I can't understand what ASI does for any weapon.


Skepticraven's picture

ASI increases the attack speed. Lancer Knightz determined that for each ASI rank, you get approximately 3.6% increase in attack speed.

Epicskunk's picture

That doesn't help me at all. :/

I mean,what does it do?Does that makes my bullets go faster,or do I shoot faster?Does it make me swing my sword faster?Help me out.

Whimsicality's picture

ASI makes swords swing faster and decreases the time you wait in between swinging the sword and being able to act again. ASI makes handguns reload faster and decreases the time in between each button press to fire another bullet; it doesn't make the bullets themselves move faster.

Skepticraven's picture

"I mean,what does it do?Does that makes my bullets go faster,or do I shoot faster?Does it make me swing my sword faster?Help me out."

If you had followed the link, it brought you to a table of "Combos per minute"... not bullet speed.

Ode-To-Nitronome's picture

ASI just speeds up the attack animation, which in turn increases your "rate of fire" per se.

For bombs, it just makes you place it down a smidgen faster.

I would suggest getting a Swiftstrike Buckler and comparing the speed at which you can swing, say, a Proto Sword with and without it. You can see the difference pretty clearly.

Plus, Swiftstrike is just a good shield to have in general.

Epicskunk's picture

Whimsicality answered that pretty well,now I understand what ASI does.

Skepticraven,anything long makes me sleep.I resisted that,but this time I couldn't understand anything from the link you have sent.So,still no help.

Ode,from what I understand,it makes the animation faster?Huh.
Also,I did try it with Swiftstrike Buckler.No difference,for real.

Now,the real question : I have heard that Bombs can't get ASI.Everyone in the game tells me that,and from what I saw in the AH,there are no bombs with ASI,but sometimes there are bombs with a CTR and 2 Damage UVs.Is that true?If not,what ASI does for bombs?

Moonclone's picture
Now,the real question : I

Now,the real question : I have heard that Bombs can't get ASI.Everyone in the game tells me that,and from what I saw in the AH,there are no bombs with ASI,but sometimes there are bombs with a CTR and 2 Damage UVs.Is that true?If not,what ASI does for bombs?
The post immediately before yours answers that exact question. It makes your knight set the bomb on the ground faster.

Bombs can't get ASI UVs. Bombs are effected by global ASI bonuses such as on Swiftstrike.

Ode,from what I understand,it makes the animation faster?Huh.
Also,I did try it with Swiftstrike Buckler.No difference,for real.

If you have a Cutter line sword, that's where it'll probably be the most noticeable.
The difference is pretty small, and it's usually easier to tell when you're going from fast to slow than from slow to fast.

Skepticraven's picture

"Skepticraven,anything long makes me sleep.I resisted that,but this time I couldn't understand anything from the link you have sent.So,still no help."

Glad to hear that you said I wasnt helpful before even attempting to view the valuable resource I linked to you.

Ode-To-Nitronome's picture

Not sure if its just the way I'm reading your reply, but I feel kinda insulted. I can see Skeptic feels the same way.

You basically just said that the Swiftstrike Buckler was useless, seeing how we all know how crummy its defense is, the ASI bonus is the only thing it had, and you just said it was not even noticeable. Funny, seeing how a large portion of players use this in places like FSC and T3 levels in general for its ASI increase.

Matter of fact, I doubt you even got a Swiftstrike.

Good luck with your condescending attitude.

Midnight-Violet's picture
I never personally used a

I never personally used a Swiftstrike myself (I like actually having defense,) but the bonus Swiftstrike gives is well worth the sacrifice, as so I've been told.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

I've had it before and its noticeable, but not that significant, especially for guns, i found it was better to get a shield fitting my costume than use it, it wasn't really worth using for me

but I can see how some people can benefit from it, its really just a personal opinion and theres no need to call it flat out useless