So I read somewhere on the forums that Spiral Knights was based on Sega's origional forray into MMOs, Phantasy Star Online. There also seem to be alot of PSO vetrans around here, myself included. But how the heck are the games in any way similar? I mean besides being MMOs and our collective obsession with destroying boxes. I just don't see how this is based on PSO at all, in fact it shares more with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles than anything else.
SK and PSO
They really aren't quite similar at all IMO.
PSO was about different swing animations between classes, dodging by making small steps back and interupting enemies with swings. (and it had rares)
Also unique memorable areas.
man do I miss client sided enemy positioning (despite being potentially hackable and leading to desyncs either way).
I like that SK completely dropped the Level aspect though, but in pso you could optimize your character well enough to be effecive in a timely manner already.
/nostalgia goggles
edit: what aiming issues? never had problems with an analogue stick in pso, and getting used to the asymetric mouse aim (you need to aim slightly higher or lower (forgot) on the vertical screen axis) in SK isnt so bad cause it's consistent!
5. Same lack of balance in specific areas that need to be addressed, but won't because it makes the game "challenging"
You know, now that you mention it, the insane maneuverability of Wolver type enemies is similar to Delsabers...*shiver*
you can make em block flinch with ease at least!
"what aiming issues? never had problems with an analogue stick in pso, and getting used to the asymetric mouse aim (you need to aim slightly higher or lower (forgot) on the vertical screen axis) in SK isnt so bad cause it's consistent!"
Ah, see, my aiming issues came mostly from using a keyboard. Not having played with an actual controller, I wouldn't really know, though I suspect it would be easier (and my friend tells me it's super easy to aim in SK using his 360 controller, too). So, likely, that only applies to keyboards.
Sci-fi/Fantasy blended setting
Minimalist plot
Four-player party
One central "town"
Four dungeons (Four gates at a time, for SK)
Sega is involved (though only partially)
Freely drop in and out of parties
...I want a whirling Snipe Mag. Or maybe a floating Portal turret Mag. "Hel-lo? There-you-are." *PHOTON BLAST*
Yeah, I guess you really need these 360° of directional freedom an analogue stick/mouse offer, over the 8 directions wasd/arrow keys could allow. (pso only had terrible mouse support from my memory though, but I was used to controllers on it anyway)
I tried using the mouse controls in PSO Blue Burst.
It didn't work out very well.
I had a friend who refused to use anything else though. He asked me to do something on his account for him once... Turns out, controls were saved serverside. Took me like ten minutes trying to learn how to steer.
Didn't help that he bound the keys I normally use for movement... onto his attacks. I was trying to walk forward but instead I ended up stabbing a Booma.
Yeah sure, it's exactly like PSO just with 190 less levels to get and significantly fewer items :)
They are both superficially similar, but I think Three Rings are a bit smaller than the PSO dev team probably were. On the flip side, being a console game PSO didn't really have the luxury of a gradual development from beta to public, or content updates.
Both games did/do a good job of keeping the end game players playing with the other players though :D
1. As you said, boxes. At least loot is divided in this, though, and not up for easy grabs.
2. Hit Hit Hit, wait, repeat.
3. Music
4. Same bad aiming issues
5. Same lack of balance in specific areas that need to be addressed, but won't because it makes the game "challenging"
Still, this really can be said about a lot of different MMO's, too. Regardless, there are similarities; SK does firmly have its roots in PSO, albeit they took SK in a good, new direction (with the exception of a few things, but that's just imo).