Simply, there are not enough images for the new gunslinger update. I have uploaded three files: two gun pictures and one stats picture. Can people please be more... considerate of the wiki and help it?
Pictures for Update

I hope this isn't directed at current editors, but rather a request for new editors.

The stats, ability, and a bunch of helmet/armor images are nearly done, minus the 5*...these things take time and work to crop properly. Not a lot of time per image, but with a huge number of new items, it does take a lot of time when you add them all up. And this time should be respected. As bopp said, it's not our job, it's OOO's - but many editors are happy to volunteer our time to help a game we love. So your comment rubs the wrong way.
I would highly suggest checking "recent changes" (linked to in the left navigation column) on the wiki instead of looking at just a few pages that happen to be missing images - aside from spammers, guild page edits, and user page edits, there are large numbers of template fixes, page cleaning, and general content generation edits. I think you'll find that users are very considerate of the wiki and very helpful. We had to spend a lot of time making an alchemy tree for the new armor and helmet items, so some of the delay in..images is due to this. It's much easier for us to generate pages consistently when we do so from a list of items. Not only do we get the names correctly, we can see what is done and not-done.
That being said, it's fine to recommend that work be done, just be more polite about it please. We've had people mention the lab, dash, and birdsong trading co. recently - the game is simple but diverse, and sometimes things just slip through the cracks and gears and get all ground up and lost in the clockworks. Reminders are helpful if they are polite.
Ah just a nitpick - could you crop the corners to be round and add image tags (a list of major image tags is in the "style guide" linked to in the left navigation column, a list of all of 'em is here) to your uploads please? Increasing your AA will also allow you to generate higher-quality pics. Keeping a consistent angle for images would also be a good idea. Not a big deal, and they'll get fixed eventually, but it would be nice :)
We'd love to add your soul to our collection of wiki slaves. Er I mean we'd love to have another editor, and you seem to care and that's awesome - there's just a finesse to the way editors do things and it's best to learn it early. Something I learned the hard way.
All this being said, yes the images need to get done. I guess I'll do them sometime today, though I was prioritizing armor and helmet images, stat and ability images are more important (and I've been working on a very nice table with several other editors that allows sorting of said stats and abilities, so there's another reason for personal delay regarding image uploads). As an individual editor, I tend to prioritize "temporary" content over "lasting" content - it's much harder to get pictures of promo box items long after the promo, I had a heck of a time getting the rest of the hunter costumes winterfest stuff had to be taken care of first, and a few things remain undone... IMO.

I didn't read the original post as impolite. There are something like 200 images to be uploaded, and he did 3, which is not a ton but more than his fair share. So he's hoping that other players will do their fair share. Unfortunately they won't. Some of the players are working on this, but some of us are working on other things, and most of us aren't contributing to the wiki at all.

Well, I did >:P
But the poster cares, so that matters, which is why I tried to provide tips and guides and advice and reasonings and whatnot instead of blowing 'em off.
A thought...I've seen a few suggestions around the forums...these ideas say that users be rewarded for wiki editing (one in particular was for finding mistakes) - obviously difficult to manage, and a nightmare for OCD editors like me obsessed with consistency, but I think that if OOO were to...suggest wiki editing a bit more it would help a lot. I've had many users think I'm an employee and that wiki editing is some holy task...nay, I say, anyone can do it.
We'd have to set up like, a school to teach eager novices how to not derp like I did for a long time when I started.

All wikis are nightmares for OCD editors. You make a polished product, and then someone comes along and "ruins" it.
I know what you mean about the employee thing.
I like the idea of giving in-game rewards for wiki editing, although it would probably result in tons of terrible edits. You couldn't count on a tutorial because a huge fraction of the player base refuses to read anything. You'd need massive patrolling of edits. So you'd need to set up a hierarchy of reviewers...ugh.

I've noticed a lot of inconsistent angles with the handguns. I'll be going with what seems to be the most revealing angle - the angle the Blaster is currently at. This will not be the first frame of the tooltip, like what's used in armor, helmet, costume, and many accessory images. Also as far as I can tell, most of the guns are at this angle, or one very close to it.

I didn't want to be rude of the current editors, just want MOAR.

Pokemonviolinist I see. Sorry for misinterpreting.
Yes, more people should be helping out the wiki. Unfortunately, the players who read this forum already do help. In some sense, we are exactly the players whom you don't need to reach.
Also, it is arguably Three Rings' job to provide a wiki with basic information on the game. So maybe we should petition Three Rings to maintain its own wiki better. (By the way, petitions are forbidden on these forums, as I recall.)