Lockdown question
Im a little bit new to the arena, especially lockdow. i have some question about LockDown:
-Is your tier determinated by your rank/progress into the story(mission)?
-Can your tier be locked?
---->I do not mean: Is there a maximum<----
-How can you tier up/down in LockDown?
I haven't checked out the forum that much, but thank you for informing me.The tier down thing was just if i was only able to go up even if im wearing 0*-1* stuff(sorry i dont write forum post that often)

i was only able to go up even if im wearing 0*-1* stuff
Yeah, I don't know of a direct way to go up-tier. Here are two possible workarounds:
* If you have a higher-star item, then create a loadout containing it, and mark that loadout PvP (crossed swords icon). Then you will not be able to enter a Lockdown contest of any lower tier than that loadout's tier. But you can still use weaker loadouts.
* If you're in a guild, then have someone in the guild start a guild match, and join them. They might not like your using weak equipment though.
Are you asking because you're currently 3 stars or fewer, but you can't find a Tier-1 or Tier-2 Lockdown battle, so you'd like to join a Tier-3 Lockdown battle?
my max is currently middle T2(for more precision: im at HoH 4*)but the reason I ask my question is because, even I wear my starting stuff(maxed out because of boredom and im middle t1) im still T2 when i check the arena, but when i check my current loadout PVP stat, it tell me that im t1.that display the same thing, even if I buy a random piece of equipement 0*-1* im still t2 regarding lockdown
Edit: just change the borderline t1-t2 for middle t1

Your problem at the moment isn't rank or mission, it's that all the current LD matches (99% at least) are in T3.
Once you get into T3 you problem will them be that you are underequipped to deal with most of the Pay to Win Tryhards there. A rather stupid system that basically puts all new/F2P players to LD at a statistical disadvantage, while the paying players run about with 12 more HP than you and often with faster and harder hitting weapons and armor.

Holy-Nightmare, the general state of Lockdown is a problem, but I think that Velcrocs is asking about a particular technical problem about getting into the right tier (1 vs. 2, in this case).
Velcrocs, I don't understand post #4. Is your equipment behaving differently from what I quoted in post #1?
Which of your loadouts are marked PvP (crossed swords icon)? During a PvP match, you can switch to any of these. So if they contain any Tier-2 equipment, then you will not be allowed into Tier 1. Does that explain it? If not, give more concrete information.
1. 3/5 of my loadout are mark PVP(2/3 of these loadout are t1) and I know that the crossed swords are the symbol for Pvp but i didnt know that you can switch during a pvp match
2.You may be right, it can be that im glitching in t2. it may due to the fact that i changed the game language
You made me nostaligic about the old arena(that cost mist to do a quick revive). the new revive system doesn't feel right matched with the arena.but hey, it's just a feeling I have

I'm not exactly sure what your confusion is but heres my probably failed explanation
the game puts you into the tier of your strongest load out
So if you have a t2 or t3 loadout you won't get into t1 unless you delete them
I think that's what your question was
Have you read the wiki page Lockdown, specifically the section on Loadouts? Quoting from it:
The star level of all current equipment, along with all equipment in PvP-enabled loadouts, determines the tier that a knight plays in. If the highest star value of all these items is 4 or 5, the knight will play in tier 3; if the highest is 2 or 3, they will play in tier 2. Tier 1 covers 0-star and 1-star maximums.
You are not allowed to tier-down, because your items would be too powerful. I am not aware of a way to tier-up, although maybe someone more knowledgeable will chime in with a way.