(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)

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Imagen de Kazangen-Forums

Click here to watch us defeat Vanaduke in 52 seconds!
Click here to watch us defeat the Tortodrones in 18 seconds!



We are the Retribution Council. An established guild built as a massive foundation of players who share a passion for our community, as well as playing Spiral Knights to the absolute full extent. Here, we have a strong belief that gameplay is the heart of any game, and offering that to our players is what we're about. Due to this belief our guild has never gone inactive, running with full force since the beginning till now. With our organized mindset we offer guaranteed stability, security, and a home that'll never perish.

PvE is our main focus, with a fierce number of loyal members that expands through every timezone. We promote the skills of anyone willing to learn through our advice and quality, also doubling as the place for both the casual and hardcore audiences of Spiral Knights. Any guild will claim they do Vanaduke runs, Shadow Lairs, have events, and help their members. The main difference is we prove all of it with screenshots and videos, even offering unique perks that only we provide.

If you want to play with your guild rather than simply being in one, and want a place of quality, then this is your final stop. So let's get down to it and show what we do!



Date of Creation - Retribution Council was created by Kazangen on June 29th, 2014. The guild already had a plan with eyes forward to bigger things, and despite being young steadily grew to where it's at today. This was thanks to many allies and friends who joined along the way, allowing the council to reach the height it sought to achieve, and continued to achieve.

Population - The guild ranges near 300, at all times. We are always in search of new talent and players to support, going strong all the way through. Inactive players are removed for active ones to maintain our growing numbers.

Community - Our community is constructed to be completely active, mature, welcoming, and friendly. There will rarely be an instance where you open up the list and can't find parties to play with, if available, as the majority are here to enjoy the game. Ranks in power are frequently online to keep things moderated and in top condition. If any mail is ever delivered as a complaint, be absolutely sure our action will be swift. Retribution Council is a place of enjoyment and gameplay, be sure we plan to keep it this way.

Management - Well taken care of and balanced, there are specific Guild Master (known as Admins) and Officer (known as Vice Admins) roles that allow us to be clean and efficient. This enables us to make sure the guild runs as it promises, and that it never goes back on what it advertises. These core individuals are who the guild rotates around, and we will never have inactive or lazy players in management positions. This we can assure.

Guild Hall - With hard work, our hall is completely funded by hand farming and optional donations from the players of the guild, to maintain our stand as a PvE focused community. It comes with every npc and additional add-ons available, and it has never once gone into default since the guild was born, nor will we allow it to. Farming by hand for the hall is the embodiment of our effort!


↺Exclusive Guild Perks↻

Here's our variety of perks! Retribution Council is the first and only guild to have a perk system of this degree, being able to keep it functioning indefinitely. Our guild is its own PvE smorgasbord that fits the needs of any casual or hardcore player. This makes the quality of our perks unmatched by any other, with a quantity to choose from. Let's see what they are!

( Free Membership )
Yup you read that right, get to be apart of the guild absolutely free. No forced donations at all. We believe if people want to donate, they will. Besides, it's your character and your crowns, spend them how you want to.

( Free Crafting Materials )
Need basic 1*-5* materials to craft a set you want? Then we've got it! Just ask, and it's yours, no strings attached.

( Exclusive Recipe Bank )
Tired of grinding the clockworks to get to Basil and not finding the recipe you want? Don't want to, or hate going to the Auction House just to spend more money on Basil only recipes? Then look no further, because we've got you covered with our Recipe Bank, where you can get your Basil recipes on the fly at the exact Basil price! We constantly keep them in stock, have duplicates so we don't run out, and you can even reserve the recipes you want for later! Just show us the lower grade armor, shield, or weapon ready to be made into the next level (for example a heat level five Antigua for a Silversix recipe) and you're done! Here's proof we aren't just blowing smoke: https://i.imgur.com/ne0gdnI.jpg

Gunner Update armor recipes not included.

( Exclusive Sprite Food Bank )
Having trouble leveling up your current or new Battle Sprite? Wish there was an easier, more convenient way to get your specific sprite food than buying them with your hard-earned crowns, farming long hours for minerals, or tediously asking numerous people to trade? With our Sprite Food Bank, consider that a thing of the past! If you're in need of motes, dusts, stones, orbs, or stars of any type, we've got them all! A quick and easy way to exchange with none of the hassle, trading us the sprite food you don't want for the ones that you do of equal level. Always fully stocked, and ready for use!

( Exclusive Shadow Lair Material Bank )
Looking for specific Shadow Lair materials, but having trouble finding them? Sometimes there's none in the Auction House, and even when there are the materials are just downright overpriced. Well now there's an easier way to get those materials you need, at the cheapest possible price to boot, with the Shadow Lair Material Bank! We've got stacks upon stacks of Nightmare Manes, Celestial Ores, Gremloniums, and Maiden's Tears. They're all farmed from our constant Shadow Lair trips, and attainable without the wait. The best and most affordable way to get yourself ready for that delicious true endgame content and armors!

( Weekly / Scheduled Shadow Lairs )
In need of a Shadow Lair, and don't wish to spend money on a key? Dislike undependable parties that fail the mission and waste your money, energy, and time? Been in guilds that say they do Shadow Lairs, yet you never get to play it with them for the armor you want? Then sign up for ours, where our Shadow Lairs are not only organized with a team designed to take them down efficiently, but are done once per week every Saturday or Sunday if a guildie needs them, and comes with a no failure guaranteed. All you need are the materials we request you to get, 450 energy, the Eternal Orbs to craft your armor, and you're ready to go! As we like to give everyone a fair chance, please be patient and wait your turn for your week to come with us.

Our official Shadow Lair team has defeated...
Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods, without Sparks of Life.
Shadow Royal Jelly Palace, without Sparks of Life.
Shadow Ironclaw Munitions Factory, without Sparks of Life.
Shadow Firestorm Citadel, without Sparks of Life.


↺TeamSpeak 3↻

If you have a mic, or just want to listen in on the fun, then come join us on TeamSpeak 3! An excellent way to socialize, make friends, and have people that always keep you in the mood. We've got players who join in from all over the world, such as.. America, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom, and many more to come! For permission to join, all you need to do is ask while being apart of us, then we'll give you our server address and you'll be good to go.


↺Social Media↻

Get an inside look from pictures, to videos, to anything or anyone related to the guild here! Explore events and expeditions, including entertainment that keeps our players involved alongside us. We do what we say, with the proof to back it up!

( Screenshot Galleries )
Event Photos ... [ Spending quality time with guildies ]
Vanaduke Runs ... [ Playing with guildies from past to present ]
Weekly / Scheduled Shadow Lairs ... [ Screenies at The Sanctuary ]

( YouTube Channel and Supporters )
Retribution Council ... [ Watch our challenges, events, runs, and other goodies ]
Rynth ... [ Hosts a variety of different content ]
TheUnion ... [ If you like games with commentary from a hot voice ]


↺Council Rankings↻

This section is deemed skippable for players not apart of the council. So there's no need to read this unless specifically interested in the ranking system.

Click here for details of the Council Rankings


↺Other Games↻

Just Spiral Knights? Hell no! The Retribution Council plans on expanding into more games as well. Currently, we're anticipating the release of a game called Overwatch, which many of us will be playing with each other. If you're also doing the same, then we're the perfect ones for you! That means more things to play together, and more fun to be had. So why not join on in! Hopefully, there are many other games you can play with us as well in the future.

Click here to find out more about Overwatch



All guilds come with a series of rules. We'd love to have no rules, but sadly without them we'd have one hell of an apocalyptic guild. They're pretty much just basic things, so no need to fret.

1) Do not beg or ask for crowns, energy, orbs, or anything of worth - We're a farming guild, not a begging guild. The first step to being helped is helping yourself, and we'll gladly help you farm for what you need. If you're offered something without asking however, feel free to snatch it without hesitation. Free is free, after all!

2) Avoid cursing, disrespecting players, and religious debates in the guild chat - A bleep or bloop by accident can be ignored, but don't make it consistent to the point we start to notice it. Common courtesy in a group is the best courtesy. Besides, you don't want to be known as Patchy the Pirate. Or do you…?

3) Follow the authority of a Guild Master or Officer, at all times - We all know the cool kids think it's ''hip'' and ''fresh'' not to listen. Thankfully, each one of us are equipped with a metal bat for such an occasion, and are still currently wanted by police. In all seriousness though, to maintain order, what they say is set in stone.

4) Please do not do anything in public that will hinder the reputation of the council - This includes begging, scamming, being a public nuisance, and ruining the fun for other players by harmfully trolling in their runs. The behavior of one reflects the behavior of all.

5) Once you leave Retribution Council, you may never return - We're looking for loyalty, and nothing less. If you leave, we will have your name written down and you'll be unable to join back. Granted you left by accident, you will have a twenty-four hour timeline to send a mail to the Founder and return, but it can only be done once. If you were removed due to long inactivity without telling us, you can ask to join back any time.


⇒ How to Join ⇐

So you've decided you'd like to join and play with us? Alright then! To do so, all that's needed is filling the application below. After that, you just have to post it here in this thread and you'll be good to go! Yup, it's that easy! Do note, applications will take a period of four days or less before the possibility of an invitation is sent out.

  • What's your in-game name?
  • When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
  • How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
  • Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
  • Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
  • Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
  • We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
  • Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?


© 2016 Retribution Council, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums

I'll be reserving this slot here, for anything in the future. It's mine, no one can have it now!

*Ehm* Oh.. Also, if any links break at some point in time, just say so and it'll be fixed right up.

i would like to join

1- in-game name Turbo-Nano.
2- start playing SK since 2012 maybe earlier.
3- yeah I enjoy playing SK my best game.
4- you will discover me if I join :P. the truth I don't know what to say about my self.
5- I'm from the... Earth!. no one should know more. :3
6- very simple just looking for PVE guild and you were the first one I tap on it. :D
7- very nice rules BTW non of them include meh . I agree.
on problem I discover while reading if someone like me with name change pass he is able to leave and back to the guild as he like but every 30days so any player left should be added to ignore list by an officer. I think everyone notice that name change passes very cheap can get one for less than 50kcr... I got 2 won birdsong twice he he.
so I hope I can join you guys. also my bad habit pretty lazy I'm PVP player not PVE so once someone invite me to PVE party I of lazy but I would like to get stronger. why cuz I delete my main character make another then delete it then back to main once more.(only sold my stuffs hehe).

I'd like to join

1- My IGN is Beaadly
2- I started playing Spiral Knights at around 2013, but quit after a while, and have now created another knight (fresh start basically :D )
3- SK is probably my favourite game, I'm usually on it every day, but how long I'm on it depends on work unfortunately.
4- I'm the kind of person who will try to welcome everybody when they log on, sacrifice my time to help somebody in a mission, or just simply give away something for the fun of it. To be honest, I find more pleasure from helping and progressing with others rather than doing so by myself! :)
5- I'm from the UK
6- I just love how the guild helps others more than any other guild I've seen before, it truly shows just how much of a family guild it is. You guys don't just focus on the game, but the community within it! :)
7- I can help the guild in many ways, by simply talking to others or by helping them along when they need it. I believe that a guild where others are connected to the members is one that exceeds. I'm not 5* geared yet, but I can donate all that is possible to the bank to ensure others the best SK experience yet.
8- Great rules, I agree with all of them.

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums
Retribution Council Update

We've received a lovely application from Lord-Derpuus: http://i.imgur.com/fUjvDOO.jpg

Beaadly's beautiful application has also been accepted!

Welcome to both players! Happy to have you with us!

I'd like to join the Retribution Council.

Hey there! I was looking through the available guilds that I could join (I'm currently a member of another guild, but it's a random new guild that I was randomly invited to when I was an Apprentice, so I'm looking for a better guild to settle in) when I saw this thread. Even though I haven't checked out many guilds, I can tell that this one is special. Anyway, here's the application form:

In-game name: The-Rogue-Knight

I started playing last June, if I was not mistaken, though it was around the middle of 2014. I started playing it mostly to get the Spiral Sallet hat in TF2 (I was a F2P back then). Once I got it, I continued playing the game for a while before I returned to TF2 (mainly because I successfully traded for Premium). Anyway, after some time, I got bored of the game, decided to take a break from it and wanted to find a new game to entertain me during my free time. I tried Dota 2, but it was too serious, so I decided to return to Spiral Knights about a week ago. I deleted my original knight, created my current one and I quickly got addicted to it for some reason.

I play the game pretty much when I'm free. Currently, I play the game for around 6-8 hours per day (it's still the holidays at time of posting). When the game felt a bit repetitive, I do some other stuff (play other games, browse the internet, read a book, watch tv, etc.) and the interest quickly developed again. Anyway, it's a fun and fairly casual game, so I enjoy it.

As for the person behind this, I'm basically an average 15 year old teenage boy living in Malaysia (South-East Asia). Nothing special. I go to school, study, get good grades, hang out with friends, play some games, browse the internet, the usual stuff. I'm a pretty friendly guy who's willing to help people out, joke around a bit and stuff, not much else I can think off.

I've already stated earlier that I think this guild is special, but I'll elaborate further. Based on the above introduction (if what is stated is true), this guild is very friendly, the main thing I'm looking for at the moment. A nice and friendly guild with friendly and helpful members. Second, this guild seems very organized. In addition, I like that there's no set donation fee for members (don't get me wrong, I like donating for the good of the guild, but I don't like being forced to donate a minimum amount).

As a player, I think I can contribute to the community simply by being a friendly and helpful person. That's pretty much the base. As long as you're friendly and helpful, you're keeping the community a nice place.

I completely agree to the rules, including the last one. If this guild is as good as it seems, there's no reason for me to leave.

Anyway, if I'm ok to join the Retribution Council, just send me an invite. I'll leave my old guild behind (still have no idea why I was invited to that guild in the first place) and become a member of the council. Thanks for reading this till the end and have a nice day.

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums
Retribution Council Update #2

Another fantastic application from Poteli! Of which getting to know him through TS3, and playing with for a while, has lovingly been nicknamed Cake: http://i.imgur.com/xZ3Jfwv.jpg

The-Rogue-Knight's application has also been accepted! Welcome!


The Retribution Council SL team has recently taken down the frosty Shadow Royal Jelly Palace, yet again. In a full run with no sparks used! This time for our Sanctuary screenie, we made good use of our fireworks: http://i.imgur.com/XIIkfZv.jpg

Congrats to our member for beating his first SL sparkless, and achieving his set!

Imagen de Daim-Kage

Great bump for a great guild. Very nice work. A quality home that cares for players than just itself.

Imagen de Puurrfect

Welcome to all new guildies! We're glad to see such mature active players. Looking forward to help and see them grow with us :)


We finally went online. I as one of the members that has been in this guild for a long time, recommend this guild. It is very nice and peaceful, the rules are followed very well and if there is a problem it get's solved very fast.

Welcome to all future members and hope that we all will be nice to each other.

Imagen de Thatweirdlizard
Best Guild Ever

I joined at the stage of knight elite, and they reinforced me with the right knowledge to push me up into the rank of Vanguard. The community in this guild is simply fantastic everyone I've met has been easygoing , friendly, and just plain fun to be around. If I could sum them all up into one word it would be prodigious.

Imagen de Pantanium
Hey there.

We're glad to accept any advancing knight, or even game veterans (also known as "oldies"). If you need any help, we can help you with your mission or even answer your questions. And remember, we have a Team Speak 3 Server too, so don't hesitate to ask for the server address!

Awesome guild!

I joined this guild when i was a defender elite, and was struggling to reach the last few ranks. This guild helped me a lot and now i'm a vanguard. I reccomend this guild to everyone because it is a kind, fun place where everyone is friendly.

Imagen de Toxicpancakes
Welcome new friends :D

You don't know me yet, but you might get to soon. I joined this guild a few weeks ago, only having been active for the remainder of my winter break, but i'm usually active on the weekends unless something at school or my home life comes up. I was a Defender Elite when i joined, and within a week's time i became a. Vanguard thanks to my friends in the guild. If you're unsure or nervous about joining, don't be! Retribution Council (despite the threatening name) is a very friendly and active guild. Usually anyone online will help you with something if you ask for it. Whenever i'm on, i'll usually be available to do runs with you unless i'm tired or i'm already doing one with someone else or by myself. I hope to see many new faces within the next few days. For now, i'm going to bed.

Looking to join your Guild!

Zerandan is my name.
I started playing Spiral Knights 2 days ago, but I'm very familiar with mmo's.
Well I have played the game for the past 2 days haha, but I do intend to frequent the game.
I'm easy to get along with, I like to group up for quest or raids, I look to advance in the guilds I join.
I reside in the U S of A!
Well I didn't have a clue on which guilds were active in-game. But with your recent posts I figured you were pretty active. I don't want to join a dead guild. From what I have read in this thread you also care about your members which is a huge plus! I hope to be apart of that soon.
Currently I could run lower level party groups. As I level I can also do more the end-game groups. I like to get groups together to keep the guild fresh and keep the members involved.
Yes, I read and agree to the rules.

Hi, I'm interested in joining

Hi, I'm interested in joining the guild.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Gosh, I'm not sure. I took a hiatus at the end of 2013, so I probably started in 2012 or 2011?

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I've just returned from a long hiatus. I hope to play it frequently but that's gonna depend on whether I find a good community methinks.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I'm kinda chatty. Like, really chatty. In chat anyways. Like, I'd spend more time chatting than killing somethings. The community's more important than farming for me. Although I do sometimes just wanna farm.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Well, see, I've been part of a guild called the Lazy Gunner since my first days on SK. And even after the guild basically died, I kept it going out of sentimentality. But now that I've finally returned, well, my guild's DEAD dead and my friends have gone. With great regret, I'll have to find a new community to be a part of. Now, why RC? Because the guild policies seem cool. Because y'all welcome all tiers. Because y'all have a policy to help lower tier members. What I'm looking for, is a friendly, jokey, helpful community. And RC seems like it can offer me that.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Well, I'm fairly friendly, though I have my loner moments. I'm returning from a long hiatus, so my skills might be a tad rusty, though back in my dad, I could easily duo Vana (not solo though). Although on the other hand, I'm a somewhat fully equipped Vanguard. I don't know how the meta's changed since the old days, but I'm well equipped enough that I can at least help the Defender Elites and lower with their missions. I'm also a bomber, so err, I dunno if that's a thing these days.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

I would like to join.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
About 4 Days ago.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play this game every day unless I have something busy happening in the real world.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I like sports and music.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
United States.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Retribution Council seems like a professional guild with a good system and members and I'd like to have a guild like that because all the guilds I have joined always ask me for crowns and items which I don't appreciate much.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I'm not sure what I can contribute, but I will try my best to support the guild as far as it will grow.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I read most of the rules and understand them, but I might reread just in case.

Thanks :)

Imagen de Legendarycobra
Id like to join.

Hey, I've taken a little bit of interest of this guild, so, this is my application as I would love to join.

Q 1. What is your in-game name?
A: Warrior-Of-Flame

Q 2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
A: At the beginning of Autumn 2011, I started out on my first knight.

Q 3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
A: Whenever I get free time, Spiral Knights is the first thing I turn to. I love this game so much. Free time = Everyday.

Q 4: Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
A: I'm one of the more, hyperactive people. I love jokes, I always seem to mess around for a laugh, and I'm pretty chatty. VERY chatty.

Q 4. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
A: United Kingdom.

Q 5. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
A: Most other guilds I join are either dead or dying, or have no perks or forced donating. I want to join an active guild that has a large sense of community around it.

Q 6. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
A: Probably just to liven up the mood or help people out. I know most missions and what happens in them off by heart, over many of the knights I have had (and deleted because of no community or dead guild). And I can help with lockdown. I'm not super pro at it, but I do have some of the knowledge for a good lockdowner.

Q 7. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
A: Yes indeedy.

Hope I get accepted soon, see you in the guild, cheers!

Imagen de Phyrosium
Application Form.

What's your in-game name? Incineratealpha
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Well I started 2011, but I lost my acc (Which was sad for me.)

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play almost everyday (No life pls)

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? Well I normally would always remain calm, but I'm also friendly to people.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? America.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Well I've been looking at guilds to join and this one seems to be good for me.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I mean, coming from a player who plays almost everyday I think I can grind/farm enough to get 21k in one day. I can also contribute help to new players.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes I did, all of it. I like your ranking system + how your rules are setup.

(Just if you're wondering)
I'm currently T3 which for me is the part where I'm stuck at, but it's ok.
I like to run gates + random boss missions.
I can do arena.
I have a TS.
I think that's all I can say for now!
I'll have fun seeing you in your guild!


Application Form

What's your in-game name? Crawm

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I started playing the game at around the summer of 2013.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play it very often, however there maybe a day or two where I may be unable to play due to busy work.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I often keep to myself, however I can be very social and friendly if given the chance.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? America.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Helping other lower rank players is a great thing that I love to do whenever I have the chance. There's just not enough of it these days from what I've seen in other guilds.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I can donate crowns and materials, and help lower rank players.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I thoroughly read the rules and like how they cover many things that often happen in guilds in SK.

Imagen de Nocile
Application Form

Hey there!

I was looking through all the guild threads in order to get settled permanently in my first SK guild, and Retribution Council seemed the best guild suited for me, though I'm playing the game actively for one week now, but I already started loving it. So this is my application to RC!

My ingame name is Nocile, and, yeah, my account exists since early 2013, but I started playing recently, because of problems in real life I wasn't able to play any games at all, but SK always seemed fun to me.

I consider myself a pretty active player, because I'm playing whenever I'm free. My online times are varying a lot because of work, but I'm definetely there from 6-8PM GMT+1. I can be contacted almost everywhere possible: Steam, Skype, Facebook, if you need any of 'em, just ask me. :D

So, why is it the Retribution Council? The answer is pretty clear'n'easy for me. I want to join a guild with a great variety of members to get known to, I'm a pretty chatty person who likes to talk to everyone. RC also seems organized, friendly and full of helpful people, and I just don't like to get forced to pay minimum amounts of crowns due to my known love to spend every single speck of money I got. I'd love to donate the money left from my shopping frenzys, though. :D

But who am I, actually? My name is Felix, I am 20 years old, living in Germany and I'm currently working as an IT support guy. It's the normal drill. Waking up, going to work, going home, playing games with friends the rest of the day, so yeah, I guess you get it. :P
At first sight, I seem really silent, but I can tell from experience it will change pretty soon after I get used to my environment. Talking in TeamSpeak and doing stuff together really helps out.
Though I'm a pretty "new" player, I'm a really good learner. If there's some techniques or movements I need to get known to, I'll get used to it pretty fast. Though I have some moments due to private problems, I have the view from myself as a helpful, friendly person to have loads of fun with. Like I already said, I'm super-hyper-active and chatty after some time, so I hope you don't mind my shy starting phase.

I've read your rules and I gladly accept them. There's nothing better than a nice, organized guild community.

So yeah, now the decision is up to you! If I'm okay to join your guild, just talk to me right away! If you need some more time or conviction, just ask me to get on a TeamSpeak or wsp me ingame :)

Thank you very much for reading this wall of text and have a nice day!


Nocile / Felix

I really want to join!

Here is my application. Hope I can join you!

What's your in-game name?: Sorinperfect
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?: Around november 20th 2014
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!: Well, before school and after school, about 5 hours in total a day. For short, when I have free time.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?: Even if I'm in the 6th grade, some people think I'm older because of my good English and thinking.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?: Romania
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?: From what I have read, you are one of the, if not the best, guild for players under the rank of Vanguard (and beyond). The rules are nice, not too severe, not freedom, and I hope people are active and friendly.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?: I wish to be friendly, to make others have a good time in the guild
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?: I sure will respect them, YES.

Imagen de Saucce

CAn I join this guild? I'm doing farming to get my three star gear and I could use a hand. My IGN is Magyk_Knyght

Imagen de Saucce
Oops forgot app

What's your in-game name? Magyk-Knyght
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Can't check now I'm in school. I will edit later
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I can only play on weekends due to some crazy crappy schedule I put myself on. I might not play sometimes, cuz I also play Destiny (Playstation)
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I kinda like my privacy, so I'm not gonna give my age. I can be annoying but that's probably just cuz I wanna be you friend
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I'm from the U.S.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I thought you guys looked the best for my needs.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? .... I offer an element of randomness and random funniness.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? THey look reasonable but I will never have energy. Ever

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums
Retribution Council Update #3

Hello everyone! First off, I'd like to welcome all our new applicants that have sent apps on forum and in-game. We've been enjoying getting to know you all, and we're glad you've also been enjoying your stay!

So, what have we been up to? We've been playing it up, as usual. That means with more gameplay comes more screenies, due to my seemingly unhealthy addiction to pressing F12 all the time.


1) Here's great applications sent to us by our current Council Members in-game: Asterozen / Dohtt / Kimochidesunee / Mr-Mad-Gamaz

2) New Vana Escort photos have been added to our Screenshots section! A lot of our applicants will see their character portraits, if they've got a good eye. I think the big guy Vanaduke is getting a bit tired of us always storming the citadel.

3) Our SL Team made yet another trip. This time we visited Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods, and took it down without sparks. Taking a photo at The Sanctuary with Proto Guns, actually turned out pretty cool. If this were the poster for a movie, I'd title it.. Spiral Knights Operation P.R.O.T.O: http://i.imgur.com/YdEr1pH.jpg

4) I'm sure many people have noticed Blast Network seemed to have suddenly returned from the dead. That's cause we've been spamming it! As a little activity, we've begun playing it together for fun. Besides, who doesn't like playing a good ol' game of Bomberman? I got a really good picture of a match I was supposed to be in, but a guildie stole my slot!: http://i.imgur.com/ej6IemF.jpg

Here's a bonus image of us standing in line before brutally blowing up our own comrades: http://i.imgur.com/CRhRNRJ.jpg


All applications before this post have been invited the minute they were reviewed. This means if you have not been invited in three days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results!

Application To Enter

1. My In-game name is Draspane

2. I'm fairly new at Spiral Knights, I started playing a few days ago but the controls have started easing out of me and I'm beginning to learn the fundamentals of all Monsters as I progress through this game.

3. Spiral Knights is a fantastic game filled with adventures that dosent want to make you stop! I play this game everyday, hours are based on my day to day routine in real life.

4. I believe that I am a very sincere guy that likes to support others around the community. I like to play games with a bunch of friends because in the end, friends make the games much more entertaining. I would help out at any possible way to make people progress such as donating people crowns or helping them out on a mission. I'm a fairly happy guy that wants to have fun in the end!

5. I am from Great Britain.

6. The Retribution Council stuck out to me the most, because from my perspective, this Guild is a very warm-hearting and supportive guild that will help people out in need no matter the cost. In my opinion the most valuable things in life are the people close to you. And the only way to get better and stronger is if you have people around you. And that's what you guys do, you support low level players and help them flourish.

7. Well I will contribute as much as I could. I would try and donate people as much as possible and support people throughout missions to make it easier for there road ahead as they start to advance into more prestigious levels.

8. I've read the rules and I understand that if broken, it may lead into to being exiled.

Imagen de Dragondance
Guild Application for DragonDance

1. What's your in-game name?

2.When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?

3.How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
It's free and co op, which is the sort of games I like. Unfortunetly though, I've had to solo everything up to this point. (I'm 7-2 atm.) I'm hoping joining a guild will change that.

4.Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
There's not much that I'd like to share right off the bat without knowing anyone first, I'm not a big gamer, but the games I do like and play often I do very well in. I don't play a lot of diferent games, more like 1-3 games obssessively. I'm older agewise but new to Spiral Knights, however I feel I've gotten the hang of it. (According to my stats, I've made 213k in the past
four days as well as hit rank 7-2, so I guess thats not bad for a newbie?)

5.Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

6.Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
You're active and have a lot of members, you're friendly and genuinely seem interested in helping other players. This is also something I like todo, when I played TERA I worked hard to become the Vanarchof Arcadia (the newbie zone, and vanarch means ruler, one guild leader was selected as ruler of each zone every few months based on popularity vote). Just so I could help newer players.

7.We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I learn quickly, and I like to teach other players the tricks I've picked up that work,as well as ones that I've researched. (I spend probably half my game time alt tabbed out and reading the wiki, tbh. Probably half the reason I've done so well.

8.Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

(Note, I am also sending this application to you via in game mail.)

Imagen de Wqkipedia
Guild Application

What's your in-game name? Wqksayi
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? 2011 ish but I quit for a while
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! Maybe most of the week 4-6 days
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? Sure! I like to experiment and challenge myself in SK
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? United States
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I have looked into the different things that you do to help your members and think that you would be a great supportive guild to be in(i.e. vana escorts and help with missions) and in general want an active guild
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I would like to help some lower level players and maybe some crown$ and maybe some recipe runs for that recipe hoard
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Guild Application

Hello, im SproutGamer aka pgsprout (or just 'Sprout' ingame). I started playing spiral knights in BETA which i got an invitation through another game made by the three rings called Puzzle Pirates. Its hard to find people to play with and im really against single player games so i dont like playing solo :P. i played a little before i have 4-5 star gear. Im an pc gamer from UK, i play alot of games; pgsprout on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/pgsprout)
Im looking for a fun casual guild i can play with hoping this would spark my interest in the game once more. I am also looking to party up to play Operation Crimson Hammer (have had this for a while but never got around to playing it). Lastly i agree with the Rules and Look forward to joining the Guild. :)

My application:

(1) What's your in-game name?
- Fephr.

(2) When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
- I actually first began playing it when it came out to Steam, but I've had long periods between playing the game and not playing it due to a whimsy-sort friends circle. I'm deciding to let them be and try to make friends who actually still play the game.

(3) How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
- Every other day.

(4) Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
- Unassuming but literal to a fault, and always willing to help.

(5) Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- GA, USA.

(6) Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
- I'm following behind a new friend I made in-game.

(7) We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- Just another friendly face and helping hand.

(8) Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
- Yes, as long as there's no 'between the lines' tomfoolery. :P

Imagen de Xiana-Yakuza
Best thing to ever happen to me.

From the early days of playing the game I've been looking for some challenge and friends to play with, I tried other guilds but they were just not my taste due to the fact that they were always mean, then I found Retribution Council in which I fit in quite well. Things were bumpy at first but as it grew I found it too hard to leave or even think of it, and now I can safely say this guild is and always will be the best thing to happen to me as a Knight, and I plan to stick with em ... Thanks fer finding me. : )

Imagen de Ozzlander

• What's your in-game name? Ozzlander
• When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? January 23rd 2012
• How frequently do you like playing the game? I try to play at least 4 days a week for a about 2 to 4 hours at a time (usually more)
• Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I am friendly, helpful I'm pretty laid back and just like to play video games with other people
• Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? USA
• Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I have a friend in the guild and its way better than the defunct one I'm in now
• We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I am a regular player, I have lots of materials I can share and I like helping out other players whether its helping on a mission or farming materials to donating a few crowns or energy
• Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes

Hey Can I Join? Guild Application.

(1) What's your in-game name?
In-Game Name: Emntix (Knight,5-1) on 07/02/2015

(2) When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Hey im kinda new been playing for about 2-3 days and used to play.

(3) How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play other games but do not play it often. The only other game I often play is GMOD but since i recently got back in to spiral knight I play it less. Other games I have (may get=*)are:
Dying Light*
(Willing to download other free games if someone wants me to play with them)

(4) Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I am a very kind, always willing to help sort of person. I hate sing people being bullied or made fun of because of a difference. I can be very weird at times but serious at other times. I can support others in any situation.

(5) Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am 15 nearly 16 living in the UK but can speak Chinese fluently as my ethnic background is from China.

(6) Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
So I recently wanted to join a guild after playing a while. And I wanted friendly people to chat and play with so I think that it would probably be best to go with your guild also I liked the name. LOL :)

(7) We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Well I am trying to get to a higher level to help others that need it however I am a bit weak at the moment. So for now I will contribute by supporting others if they need me to the best of my ability.

(8) Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I agree with the rules but hope there is no trick to them so it backfires. But besides that the guild rules seem fair and equal to everyone and seems like I would have made the same rules if it were my guild.

(Side Note)- Hope I am eligible to join the guild as it seems like a great guild and one that I would love to be in. :D

Imagen de Fluffy-Cake
My application

(1) What's your in-game name?

(2) When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
About 4 years ago stoped cuze my computer did not let me start the game correctly

(3)How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I'd love to! The game is awesome

(4)Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I am a nice person who loves to play with ppl

(5)Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

(6) Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I played with Whinter-Star-Alfa!

(7)We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I have no idea but i can try to be as friendly and helping as possible

(8)Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

I would love to be in the guild cuze it looks like an amazing guild to be in :)

Imagen de Passoline

- What's your in-game name? Passoline
- When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Around 3 or 4 years ago.
- How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! Currently every day
- Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I'm 23 years old, currently graduating in Mathematics bachelor degree and studing numerical analysis for data mining. Gaming is still by far my favorite hobby along with MMA.
- Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Brazil
- Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? The guild's activity and organization/schedule for SL contend
- We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Helping out new players and just beeing a decent guy to chat with in the meantime ^_^
- Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, i Agree


What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
about 3 years ago then i stopped, but then i restarted about 3 weeks ago cuz i saw all the new stuff
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
i play every afternoon and most evening (at least half an hour a day)
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
im a 15 year old who loves basketball and high jump and also spiral knights and clash of clans
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
southern california
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
i saw all the perks and i also ran with a couple people from your guild and they were awesome and helped me out on jelly king
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
i think i can offer a lot of basil recipes cuz i do arcade runs often and i also like to help out newer players on their missions
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Since it seems we don't have a PM function on this site

Heya Kaz, it's impure here,
My old laptop finally gave in to its old age so now I don't have a source to play until I get it fixed and since I don't have time to do so until exams are over, you won't be seeing me for quite sometime. I know this is a weird place to notify you, and I'm sorry for doing so, but it's the only place I could think of to contact you on my phone. Once again, I'm sorry to post this here. I hope to see you guys soon.


I originally posted an app here, but I ended up joining a different guild first. I dont know how to request deletion for this comment.

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums
Retribution Council Update #4

Sup guys. How'd you spend your Valentine's Day? Hope you've all found the love of your life. By any chance for all those who spent their Valentine's Day hugging their pillow and drowning their sorrows with vanilla ice cream, that sadness must be turned to anger, killing everything in the Clockworks that had nothing to do with it. Truly, a healthy way to get back at Spiral Cupid.

On a more serious note.. Welcome to all our new applicants, who applied for the guild on the forums, and via mail. We're very happy the guild has met the expectations of everyone, as we further expand our community. Now for our usual update.


1) More beautiful in-game applications from our current Council Members: Full-Metal-Alchemy / Zedmaster

2) Showing Vanaduke how much we love him, usually comes in sharp doses. By sharp, we mean Blitz Needles to the back. Twelve new Vana Escort photos have been added to our Screenshots section!

3) This time we visited Shadow Firestorm Citadel. Of course, like gentlemen we waited for Vanaduke to paint his floors, change the lights, and decorate his land encased in fire, before destroying everything. The SL was defeated, but a party member of ours disconnected. Which means he was unable to make it to our little photo session. So we used the opportunity to take a unique screenshot! Notice anything? A reference perhaps?: http://i.imgur.com/BiP7UfH.jpg

4) But wait, there's more! We also revisited Shadow Royal Jelly Palace. We didn't quite expect any love from such a cold-hearted place, till we came across a Love Puppy. Which we kept alive, as our new best friend restored our health, before we stabbed it in the back and killed it off. Lovely.. Our ending screenshot at The Sanctuary wasn't shabby at all either, lining up each 5* version of the Antigua line, for an explosion of color: Love Puppy Screenshot / The Sanctuary Screenshot

5) There's some players out there, that have never had the chance to play Blast Network. Because of that, we had even more Blast Network games for them to experience what it's like to kill their guildies. Unfortunately, the end result required quite a bit of tape and glue, to put many bodies back together. It's become a common thing for us to play now, and we hope to introduce many more guildies to it. Which equals just more things to play together!: http://i.imgur.com/loxJKf1.jpg

6) Currently, our TeamSpeak has seen massive improvement from the days of when we first started on the forums. Practically, our users have more than doubled. We've also established connections with many more players from countries across the globe. These include.. Germany, Indonesia, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Sweden and Thailand. All of which have been added to our original post. Curious about our activity on TeamSpeak? Then here's a sneak peek of our most recent screenshot. So come on in and join the conversation: http://i.imgur.com/9cSPa0u.jpg


All applications before this post have been invited the minute they were reviewed. This means if you have not been invited in three days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results!

Imagen de Partai

What's your in-game name? Partai (call me Wayne)

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I played on release back in 2011 for around 2 months then got sidetracked by a few other games. Started up again around the time of the Gunner Update, so I'm still getting to grips with some of the new stuff :D

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I'm currently on winter break, so I'm on more than I usually would. When uni starts I'll probably only be doing PvE on the weekends, signing in to check sales etc on weekdays mainly.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
If you insist. I'm of Asian ethnicity, but resided in Australia for 17 years of my life, so I am fluent in both mandarin and english. Currently I am studying a Physic major in Taiwan and will be returning to Australia to further my studies after graduation. As for hobbies, I enjoy drawing, sketching and various sports. Recently I've bought myself a fixed gear bike and have been playing around with that.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I currently reside in Taiwan, but am jumping to and from Australia and will likely be back in Australia in the near future.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I'm looking for a place where players come together to help one another, I think that is what's missing in most gaming communities as it's so competitive nowadays.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Helping others has always been something I was taught when growing up. We were all once noobs :P and its also a fun way to get to know people. Hopefully I can relay the tips and tricks I've learnt along the way to give others a smoother ride. I've also admined a few TS3 servers in the past for other games, so i'm familiar with all the nitty gritty (more icons!)

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I sure did :D

Imagen de Snarby-Slasher
Nice Guild Join

Already joined guild. Thanks Kazangen got a nice guild!

application form

What's your in-game name?
Epic Sushi
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
couple weeks ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
about 4 times a week sometimes more
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I'm a 15 year old who likes to play basketball and eat, but I also enjoy the game very much.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
southern CA
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I read your intro and you guys seem like a nice and active clan who loves the game
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can donate recipes and help gather materials. also I can help newer players on missions
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Imagen de Epicskunk
Application Form

---What's your in-game name?---
It is Epicskunk,same as the Forum name.

---When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?---
When the game came out,of course!

---How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!---
Very.My day won't end without playing this game at least once.

---Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?---
Well,I'm 21 year old that usually gets bad things happening on myself without wanting to,or even trying.

---Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?---
I'm from Turkey!

---Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?---
I have been trying alot of guilds,possibly 600 or so,and all of them were either milking me for crowns or throwing me away because they think I'm weaker than someone who just started the game.The next guild in the list that I haven't tried was Retribution Council.

---We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?---
I can't really donate due to the bugs I have since the start of the game,so I would help people that are in lesser tiers to become a real Vanguard.

---Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?---
Yes,I did.To be fair,Rule 1 will be really hard to not break,because I usually beg when nothing his helping me out.But I will try my best to not beg.

Also,Fluffy-Cake sent me here.

Mike-The-Slayer's App

-What's your in-game name?


-When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?

Late 2012. I played for about a year, then took a break until 3 months ago.

-How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!

I'd say rather often. I'm in high-school, so I have a lot of free time on my hands, but I do play another game as well (Team Fortress 2), so I can't spend all my spare time on Spiral Knights. I'd say at least 7 hours a week though, and that's if I'm really busy. Most of the time I can play well over twice that.

-Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?

I'm funny, but I can get serious when needed, I'm crazy, but polite. I'm the kind of guy who can't stand rude players or people who use bad words/crude humor, which is one of the reasons why I want to join this guild.

-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

(Chanting) U-S-A! U-S-A!

-Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

I met two of your guildmates while trying to sell an item in Haven, and a stupidly funny roleplaying session broke out among us. Something about a prophecy and joining you guys when the appointed time has come, or something of that sort. I was curious, so I looked you up, and from the looks of your rules, your values align right with mine.

-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

My humor and ability to make up extremely idiotic roleplays and jump into character in the blink of an eye.

-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Yes sir, I did and do.

Thanks of reading this over, I hope I get in!

DarkmanTC Application

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-Few years ago when game was still young. Had to pause it when i got to University

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I tend to play few days per week. Casual player that like to have fun

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-I just finished University, found a nice job, and managed to cleared some time for myself. Now i just like to relax at evening, and have some fun :P

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-I am from Serbia

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-It seems like nice guild with players that like to play game and have fun

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-Just some co-op fun in dungeons, and help for weaker players to grow. Not much, for now :P

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
-Yes and i agree with them


We welcome everyone who joins in our guild! Incase you need help with the missions, materials for your gear and even questions. Feel free to ask us! We also have a TS3 server where you can talk with other members by microphone!

Imagen de Epicskunk

Excuse me,but I have been waiting since I made my application form,and no one is looking at it.

Imagen de Kazangen-Forums
@Epicskunk (Retribution Council Application)

Hello Epicskunk. I'm here to confirm that your application was reviewed, as we're always happy to have new players to enjoy the game with. Numerous posts in this thread states that if an applicant has not been invited within three days maximum, that the application has been rejected. For further information as to why, you can mail/message me in-game.

Please enjoy these cute kittens as compensation: http://i.imgur.com/eheHYSi.gif

Imagen de Epicskunk

Thanks for the cuties,but why would the council reject my app?!

Imagen de Gbot-Vtwo
I came here to comment.

I think this is a pretty cool guild. Very strict as well!

Imagen de Thagx
I want to join.

My IGN is Thagx
I began playing about 2 years ago but left. Now i joined again.
I play 7 days a week. Or sometimes 6.
Im 13. I mostly stay quite in the game. Cause of my keyboard which has some input problem. So sometimes i might randomly start typing a letter.
Im from India.
Your guild seems nice. You guys play for fun and help other people which i really like about this guild.
I could help minor players. I could give them materials, help them with their missions etc.
Yes. Ive read and agreed all the 5 terms.
Hope i can join!!