Added another
Electron Charge - CTR Medium (200 kcr).
Veridian Dynamics Marketplace ~ VogCubCap-SHOCKMAX ~ Itemcrafting on request!
Orbit Aura (accepting offers, buyout: 50kce)
Stagger Storm - CTR Medium (accepting offers, buyout: 6.5kce)
Torto items crafting is online again.
Sold the last Electron Charge CTRMED.
Shivermist Buster - CTR Medium (accepting offers, buyout: 6kce)
Deadly Candy Poker - ASI Very High (not accepting offers, only buyout: 34kce)
Shadow Key (accepting offers, buyout: 1.7kce)
Sold: Kat Claw Hood and EV CTRMED.
Only one Kat item left.
Reformed the first and second post for easier browse.
Kat Eye Cowl - Normal Low (7kce)
With that, Kat items are on hold. This was the last piece.
Just a few Fetishes left from the Kat event.
Blitz Needle - ASI High + Fiend Medium +Undead Low (550kcr)
Shivermist Buster - CTR Medium (6kce)
Amber Personal Color (25kcr)
Green Personal Color (25kcr)
Indigo Personal Color (25kcr)
Lake Personal Color (25kcr)
Obsidian Edge - CTR Very High + ASI Medium (24kce)
Added Phantamos and Voltaic Tempest to craftlist.
Yo, I'd like to request a craft of an Electron Vortex. My ign is "Winthos."
Grand Solstice Ring (accepting offers, buyout: 1mcr)
Thanks for the crafted item, quick and smooth.
Also free bump :D
Thank you too :)
Happy to see another satisfied customer :P
The last Closed Eyes (45kcr)
The last Bucket of Flawed Snowballs (33kcr)
can you tell me the value of 2CE, 2 kce, 2kcr and 2E. also, if you get me a silversix recipe by wednesday next week, i will give you 17,000 crowns.
My ign is Eliott-Shane. If you get me my recipe, i will add you to my friend list, then we can find a suitable time to trade. Also, i might also post orders for a few more recipes in the near future if you pull this off, so, deal?
Hello there.
CE refers to Crystal Energy, which is an old way to write Energy.
E is short form of Energy also.
So 2CE = 2E = 2 Energy.
2 kce means 2 kilo ce , so its equal to 2000 Energy.
2kcr means 2 kilo cr; cr means crowns. So 2kcr = 2000 crowns.
I can assure you i can get you a silversix recipe by the next wednesday. Maybe sooner. I usually dont trade with recipes, but i can make an exception for you :)
My IGN is Reedneir. Drop me a friend request ingame for easier communication :)
I have already found the Silversix Recipe.
Reach me ingame. Name: Reedneir.
To Craftlist:
any Kat helmet (except 4 and 5 star Black)
Added to Craftlist: Arcana - 5.5kce
Sold out the last Obsidian Weapon, so cant craft any at the moment.
Sold a Namechange, still has like 6.
To Craftlist:
Graviton Vortex - 5.5kce
Neutralizer - 5.5kce
Any chance I could get that Knight change pass for a tad bit cheaper? @@
Bump for great service once again!
Thanks for the weapon :)
Electron Charge - CTR Medium,
The last 3 star Kat item, i still have some leftover Kat item tho', but very limited.