With CE prices "skyrocketing", as the kids are calling it, a lot of people are trying to dig at the reasons why the market is inflating so rapidly. I looked at my own playing style and I realised that, if a lot (or the majority) of players are playing the same way I am, the market is going to continue to inflate in the long term.
How I play:
* If I have some time to play (i.e. a couple times a week), I'll use up my mist to dive, then sell off the mats/recipes I've collected and trade the crowns for energy.
* If I don't have time to play (i.e. most days), I'll log on, craft a pile of Haze Bombs, and then sell or auction them off.
In both cases, what I'm essentially doing at the economic level is burning my ME for crowns, then exchanging crowns for energy. Crowns are being generated ex nihilo, then traded for CE, which I hoard for later use. This means that, no matter what the price of CE is on the market, my play can still be profitable (albeit with slimming profit margins), because I'm only ever spending what was free in the first place. This, I think, leads to a feedback loop - the more expensive CE is, the less likely I am to use it, the more I will hoard it, the more expensive it will become.
The sense I get is that most people play this way. But I don't actually know, and occasionally I've dropped into a party where somebody drops 500CE for a revive. So I want to send out this informal 2-question poll to see how the forumsters play, at least.
Have you purchased CE with real-life money?
1. Yes, more than $20 worth
2. Yes, up to $20 worth
3. No, but I may someday
4. No, and I don't plan to
What does your typical gaming session look like?
1. Serious - several hours, lots of diving/trading/crafting/AH/etc. I will spend CE to play.
2. Casual - one or two hours. I only/mostly use my ME.
3. Crafting only - I don't really play anymore. I just log on, burn my mist on crafting, and log off.
Q1.) Yes, more than $20 worth
Q2.) Serious - several hours, lots of diving/trading/crafting/AH/etc. I will spend CE to play.
Basicily, I play to have fun. To me, the Min/Max-ing of funds usage doesn't entertain me. I purchase a good chunk of CE for playing, crafting and rezing, occationally selling it for crowns to purchase some elusive mat from the AH. I'm not bean-counting my useage as I just don't care about that.
Secondly, I believe that, in the long run, "cheapskate" behavior will lead to the collapse of the game, as OOO's will no longer bev making a profit, putting more into the game than getting out of it. That is always, and will forever be, the purpose of game companies. Make a great F2P game and hope it's enough to reel in paying customers.
As a side note, I'm not really "serious" about my gameplay. I spend my CE to have fun. And fun is had. All in all, a good deal in my eyes.