Im asking the question for the second time.
A Guy awnsered me, "Wait 24 hours" Its been like 1 day 3 hours (according to the fourms) Since i posted that thread
Okay. So. This:
This Is what i want to know About it.
1. Why is this happening
2. How do i fix it
3. Should i just ignore this and restart the game
I will srsly restart my 8-1 char if noone tells me the truth! This @%#@ing thing is annoying.

Spent too much money bro.
You can either wait for 30 days until your spending limit is increased, or...
Drop the good folks at OOO an email, give them your account name, and politely ask them if they can increase it for you.

Stop ignoring the fact that a credit card is NOT unlimited money

To prevent problems with fraud, you can only spend so much money every 30 days. The limit increases every time you reach it.

100 Dollars in a month is a little much.
But, just wait a month. You don't need energy THAT badly do you?
If you do, just contact OOO.
Too many fagets
too many
too many
too many fagets

Create a new recruits post and ask.
Also, I'd recomend you edit that post. I believe it's against the ToS somewhere...
Swearing and inappropriate content
Keep it clean! - Using or linking to vulgar, obscene or offensive language or material is considered swearing. This includes any racial, sexual, unlawful, religious slurs, insults or other deliberately offensive remarks directed at another knight. While there is a chat filter present in the game, this does not excuse offensive language or behavior. Misspelling or mis-spacing words to get around the filter will be treated as swearing and dealt with accordingly.
Foul language used outside the chat, for example in Knight names, guild names, on the forums or elsewhere is likewise not acceptable.
Forgot link! Godammit