So yeah, on one of them (don't remember on which one exactly) when you head to the exit (which is on top of the map) and before you go through the Z stairs, there is this sealed off area on the left. Is it possible to currently get into there? Like, is there some kind of teleportation in the game that i hadn't heard about yet?
Question about one of the Jelly Farms...
I believe in the one you are talking about, you should start smashing all the single blocks you see floating around outside of the path on little islands of green. You might need a gun.
Nope, that one i blasted a month ago with help of ajericho, i'm talking about an area without any way to reach it and its in Jelly Farms not Stone Grove.
The maps are used in rotation, some times you'll run from one side of the map, the placement of the down and up gates switch sometimes. If I remember correctly you can get this gate when running the opposite way. Not 100% sure though!

The specific map is Aurora Isles: The Jelly Farm (NOT Jelly Farm II). What OP means is the area visible to the north/west in the big room with the lumbers; there is no way to reach that area as far as I can tell. It is sealed off from the rest of the level, with no gates or possible secret passages (like the ones in the graveyard levels). Or am I missing something? It sure looks like a profitable area.
I think pringer has understood what joozek means, i'd like how to reach that zone too... But what about these secret passages in graveyard levels?

In some graveyard levels, when you see the locked energy gate with treasure boxes, immediately to the north of the locked room on the west or east side, there will be a mostly hidden passage a few tiles long that leads to a small room directly north of the locked room with two loose treasure boxes.
Anyhow, if anyone knows how to get to that place in the Jelly Farm I'd be much appreciative if they'd share the details here. I've searched high and low and come up empty.
Those secret passages in graveyard levels are usually behind rooms with energy gates. And about the Jelly Farm, yes, northwest, indeed. IIRC it has a party button.
The sealed off area you are referring to used to contain slooms in the preview, but when the game was released they sealed off the area but did not remove it from the level. I never went back there during preview myself, I'm just repeating what someone said when it came up on the forums before.
Right now there is no way to reach that area, maybe it'll be opened up again in the future.

it didnt contain anything in the preview....... it was never open =/ so whoever you sourced that from culture was wrong.
i asked boswick in late december about it to which he replied with something about adding giant green jelies there.... still nothing. I'm guessing they'll open it up someday - or just leave it there to tease us.
perhaps they'll open it with the jelly and wolver patch 0.o

I think I know where you're talking about. The only time I saw it the gate already closed behind me and I thought I had missed something. I don't know how to get there either. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
There's some doors that require energy to open on that level. Maybe the path to that vault lies behind one of those doors.
Or, maybe it's a camera trick. I came across a camera trick once in one of the graveyards. There was a path that was barely visible. It ran behind one of the crypts and lead to two green treasure boxes. Unless you were paying attention you would miss it. Maybe there's something similar on that level.
Providence is right. Look harder.

OP was talking about jelly farm, not stone gardens.

screen shots of the various places would probably clear up a huge amount of the confusion in this thread...
The Door leads to a similar place like the one above with treasure boxes.
And thats the place we all r talking about xD
Yeah, I haven't found any way there either.
Basically, the map has two paths leading to a wide open area. One of the paths is behind an energy gate. It is possible to clear both paths before proceeding to the aforementioned area. I don't think it matters which path you take to access it. The inaccessible area in question, is at the north-west corner, and you can see it clearly.
Yeah, I haven't found any way there either.
Basically, the map has two paths leading to a wide open area. One of the paths is behind an energy gate. It is possible to clear both paths before proceeding to the aforementioned area. I doesn't matter which path you take to access it. The inaccessible area in question, is at the north-west corner, and you can see it clearly.
I have a theory. Could it be that Jelly farm I & II is actually the same map, just with some adjustments? So that the area we can see is actually part of the other?
There used to be/supposed to be something that was gonna spawn there but it was a glitch. If it was the green jelly i don't remember. I'll try and find the post i found about it and update it here.
...Are you talking about the Jelly Farm (Aurora something) with a locked gate, and no key to be seen?
I've been stumped there, too, but there IS a key. Keep looking. :3