messaging friends

3 replies [Last post]
Browniebear's picture

It would be nice if you could use the tell command from the friend list (where you can see if your friends are online). Something similar to when you right click on someone on screen.

I admit it - I'm too lazy to type "/tell friendX".

Nick's picture
The social panel is receiving

The social panel is receiving a major overhaul soon that should address this and more. It's quite nice!

Legacy Username
Perhaps you could add a

Perhaps you could add a messaging service, where you click on a person from the social window and it opens up a chat panel for the two of you, and you can invite more people to this chat room as you wish.

Legacy Username

yea, would be great, and it should be tiny, and moveable, that you can go gates and chat at the same time. it would be easier.