Flawed orb of alchemy HELP!

4 replies [Last post]

So I did a mission called alchemy for beginners and there I got 9 flawed orb of alchemy, I used 6 of them to craft some of my recipes I had got through the game but when I did I then saw you needed 6 to get to the next mission. So I can't get to the next mission so does somebody know how to get flawed orb of alchemy easy? /edwbju

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
im vohtarak, call me by that name

Why do noobs never check the wiki?
Go to the wiki page and find it, as simple as that, graveyard this thread

Krakob's picture

You can buy them for 10 energy per 3 orbs. That might be tricky, though. Energy is usually bought in multiples of 100, so you'll have to ask people in Haven or trade chat to buy the energy. Alternatively, you could buy them off the auction house and then you won't have to buy the energy.

To join trade chat, you can type /join 2. When you have, you'll be able to see trade chat. You can also type in it by writing /2 ((message)). You should say something like "buying 10 energy". The rough price for 10 energy should be 800-900 CR. Absolutely not more than 1000 CR. Then, you can open the supply depot by pressing K. Look under rarities to find the various Orbs of Alchemy.

If you wanna use the Auction house instead, you can find it north of the fountain in Haven Town Square. It should be more straightforward but probably a bit more expensive. Simply open the auction house, search for the item you want, and then you can either bid or buy on one. Remember to sort by buy/bid price so that you don't buy ones that aren't the cheapest available.

Of course, you can also find them in the clockworks but this might take some while and buying them will probably be a lot faster.

For further threads like this one, I suggest you use the New Recruits forum. If you want to, you can move this thread there by editing your original post, choosing New Recruits in the dropdown, and pressing save. Also make sure to consult the wiki before making threads, as lots of information you'll need can be found there.

Gianor's picture
Calm yourself Oohnorak...

Acting all demanding like you can control their every move. Simply because an answer was given doesn't mean that the thread should instantly be graveyarded. Some articles on the wiki are vague after all, not to mention human support is much better then being blindly thrown to a wiki.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
im vohtarak, call me by that name

@gianor I forgot to tell you, I really enjoyed that in game conversation you had with me
I especially liked that "best delete yourself" comment you gave, compliments don't get much better than that

More on topic, its definitely more useful to try the wiki before making a thread, if the wiki already answers the question theres no point in asking on the forums