>>Things to note: While this fanfic does follow most of the logic of Spiral Knights, some things are different. While sparks of life DO exist, they’re so rare that most knights have never even seen one. Also, this is my first fanfic ever. Also, this is based on an RP I had in Spiral Knights. Another thing: Guardian is Thepopguardian, and Midna is Midna-Dasher. Poppy is a character I made up.
The Demon of the Void
Chapter 1: A Normal Evening
The clock on the wall of the soda bar beeped 10 times, signaling that it was 10 o’clock. The room was just barely bright enough to read the clock, and the light cast shadows across the blue-grey panel floor. There was a counter that ran through the back of the room, which was opposite to the door. In the middle of the room, there were a few tables, which had four chairs around each one.
A woman was getting herself a glass of soda at the fountain behind the counter. She had sky blue skin, and wore a frosty tailed helm with a maid headband, with matching draped armor. On her right hip, she had a holstered Blackhawk, and on her left was a sheathed Grand Flourish. On her back, she had a wyvern scale shield.
The woman looked over at a man who was sitting on the opposite side of the counter, who also had sky blue skin. His head was on the table in his arms, and his eyes were closed. He wore a blue crescent helm accented by a single small orange flower, glasses, and a blue battle chef’s coat. He had a pair of glowing headphones around his neck, and on his back was an Aegis and Glacius.
“Hey, Guardian” she said in a quiet voice, “You asleep?”
When he didn’t move or respond, She knew he was asleep. She decided not to wake him, as she knew he had a busy day. After all, he was one of the few Guardians left in Haven after the great Gremlin War. She busied herself with wiping the counters, and drinking the soda that she had gotten for herself.
“Gah!” shouted Guardian as he jerked awake, bolt upright.
He glanced around nervously and had a panicked expression on his face. Once he realized that he was in no immediate danger, he relaxed.
“Oh, hey, Midna,” he said.
He slumped down and propped his head up with his arm, and yawned.
“Ah, you’re awake” Midna said, “Have a bad dream?”
“Yeah. The same one again, with the Apocrean harvester.” he replied.
“Seems like a lot of people are having similar dreams lately.” She sighed. “Do you think it’s a sign that the rift to the Grasping Plateau will open again soon?”
“I sure hope not” he said. “Last time it did, we lost some good Knights.”
Guardian glanced up at the clock on the wall, noticing that it read 10:05.
“It’s getting late” Midna said. “We should probably get some sleep”
“Agreed” he responded. “I promised to help a friend get to the core tomorrow, so I need sleep.”
After Guardian and Midna finished cleaning up the bar, they headed for the dorms.
“So, have any plans for tomorrow?” asked Guardian.
“No, not really. Just the usual checking the auction house, and whatever.” Midna replied.
They arrived outside of the dorms, which were on the first floor, a floor below the soda bar. The dorms used to be two rooms, but, during the Gremlin war, one was converted into an infirmary. Each room contained four beds, and a cupboard. The infirmary had various medical monitors and sensors around each bed, and the cupboard was full of medical supplies. The unconverted dorm had weapon racks and tables beside every bed.
When they entered, they saw Poppy lying on the bed in the back, right corner of the room, reading a book. Poppy was one of their few remaining guild members after the Gremlin war, a demolitions expert, who wore a green splash sarong, and a green demo helm with vertical vents and a ponytail. She noticed them come in, and waved, not saying anything.
“Hey, Poppy” said Guardian, “How was your day?”
“Awful. They changed the times for my patrol, so I had a really early shift.” she whined “That’s why I’m in here so early, in fact. I was really tired, so I tried to go to bed early, but I just couldn’t sleep!”
“Well, sorry to hear that.” Guardian said “Midna and I are going to sleep now, so try not to keep us up.”
“Alright” poppy sighed, “Maybe you’ll have better luck than me with that.”
Guardian and Midna got into their sleep clothes, put their weapons on the racks beside their beds, and went to sleep.
>>I know it may seem a bit boring to begin with, but exciting stuff will happen in chapter 2 if I can actually get around to it. I'm currently trying to get a job, so it may be a little slow.
It isn't really bad, it was actually really good :)
If you're going to go post a note in the end of a post, I advise you at least put a few dashes in the line before it, signaling you're done with the chapter :) Aside from that, I don't think you did badly. If anything, I'd grade an eight out of ten.