I've returned. (Questions)
I played this game when it first got ported to steam shortly after its beta. I loved it, but found the energy consumption insane for progress through the game. Nevertheless, I made it all the way to the Jelly King, and then stopped.
I believe the elevator costs are gone, which is enough of a reason for me to start playing again! I've got a few questions about the game of which I was very skilled at, and have a very firm fondness towards...
1) Where should I start again? I don't want to play my Old Knight because I want to start totally fresh. I've been to the wiki, but this crap confuses me. I know you need missions to gain rank, and in turn with rank you can equip better gear, but what should I aim for?
2) I hate bombs, but will use them, and I dislike guns. What is the 'new' Meta for Swordsmen? I prefer balanced stats if possible. I'm not a newcomer so to speak, I understand damage, resistance, monster resist, and damage types, but from what I remember Chaos set was the way to go if you wanted to do jaw-dropping damage for a Sword/Gun combo. I just need some help on what gear to aim for for end-game... Help?
3) I've got just under $200 to spend on energy, how far will that get me?
4) Accessories are cool, should I invest?
5) Battle Sprites are dumb, but required from what I understand. Which one is the most useful for a balanced knight on both offense and defense?
I'm sure there are more. I've pored over the wiki, but some of it is confusing to an old player who remembers things wayyyyy different than they are now. Ty for answers and general help

1) You should aim for the miracle sets, and make them into chaos once you get to 5*, offensive bonus on armor is right now the most broken aspect of the game, defensive sets are obsolete.
2) Your best bet for sword is the fireburst brandish, making it into a combuster along with Chaos CTR bonus will make you one of the most broken combatant ever. Swords are still OP, trust me, Acheron is currently the most powerful weapon in the game. Blitz needle is buffed, it root you far less than before.
3) absolutely no where, F2P is the way to go in SK, 200 bucks will burn off quickly if you want to progress through the late game with it.
4) only if you are an egocentric maniac, accessories offer no bonus whats so ever in terms of combat performance, only ego boost, you can slam your 200 bucks into a good looking knight, but I won't recommend that...
5)Seraphnyx is the way to go, if gives you the ability to recover fast and can also help you tank some damage, and yes, you will have a trial with all three pets and then you can choose one of them and get it for free. Future pets will cost you CEs to buy.

Don't go pure chaos, especially if you never made it to T3. Hybrid Chaos + another piece of armor is more than enough. You can go far without even touching Chaos, and even further if you only use a single piece. As for weapon choices, Elemental Brandish + Nightblade/Acheron + Final Flourish will get you through the game no prob. They're rather standard though. Nothing special, but nothing wrong with them (Unless you want to be a hipster). Continuing with the "standard" theme, the Blaster lines are simple and reliable. I personally love the Antiguas, though they fill the same role as Blasters. Blitz Needle is practically a must if you want to run FSC. Bombs don't tend to mix well with other weapon types. If you really want to force one into your loadout, Shivermist Buster is a standard CC bomb, and the Vortex Bombs are really effective when paired with swords.
I personally like a good costume, but there are a LOT of pitfalls you can make with them. The biggest is the idea of "expensive = pretty". Just because you spent a lot on an accessory, doesn't mean it's something you should just slap on. Usually it'll just make you look like a rich snob. The other main pitfall is just trying to put as many accessories as possible on your costume. Usually this'll make you look like a complete mess. You can make a good look with a few 2*-4* pieces of gear and one or two accessories. Of course this is not a priority, but if you have $200 spend, you might as well invest a bit.
You can completely ignore battle sprites for the most part. If you have the minerals and materials to burn, you can level one up for the equivalent of a free trinket/UV. If you go this route, you might as well pick the one that looks the coolest. As for actual specifics, Seraphynx is the most defensive, although you can debate having good defensive capabilities allows you to go VERY aggressive. Drakon is the most aggressive, with more direct damaging abilities. When maxed out, the Drakon can give you some nice offensive buffs. Maskeraith is a bit of both, with the defensive invis and the miasma of damage from Hexing Haze. If I had to pick, I'd say Maskeraith is the most "balanced," but that isn't saying much.

Normal swords aren't good for late/mid game.
Shadow : Acheron / Faust, you can get a sealed sword 3* (upgrades to faust) from killing the jelly king 6 ~ 7 times.
Elemental : Glacius / Combuster / Divine Avenger - All you really need to do in PvE is charge anyway.
Pierce : Barb Thorn / Flourish
Shield : Batb Thorn Shield
It's good to build up TWO weapons of DIFFERENT types first. Since you'll have at least neutral damage to all monsters. I'd recommend Shadow and Elemental first as Shadow is strong in the royal jelly palace and elemental is good for late game.
If you're only going to use a gun as a sidearm, just get a valiance, the recipes are free and you don't need to learn how to gun 'properly.'
Chaos Set = Very High Damage Bonus + Very High Charge Time Reduction, the only set you will ever need. If you're scared of getting hit, go with skolver. It's better to kill your enemy before they even have a chance to touch you.
Don't even worry about costumes until you have gear first. You can play dress up's later.
Maskeraith is the best one at the moment.
Free. To. Play. Free. To. Win. Freeeeeeeee.
It's a lot more fun to take your time and play through the game first. Then buy energy later - to play dress up or to support OOO.

Just my opinion.
Obviously, there are other good choices, but this is what I think as a new player should be geared first to conquer Vanaduke. Again, just my opinion.
Generally, I am in agreement with Midnight-DJ, with a few different preferences of my own.
1. Go for a Chaos set first with Swiftstrike Buckler shield, then get a Barbarous Thorn shield.
2. Get a Shivermist Buster bomb and a Glacius sword (This will make you meaningful when you challenge Vanaduke.)
Midnight-DJ is correct that the Combuster is also a good choice, I just find the Glacius more useful against Vanaduke,
and it is fine against slimes.
3. Go to AH and seek 2*/3* UV gear to craft:
Elemental weapons with UVs that are against the undead (Damage medium is good enough; after medium the prices go way up.)
The "magic" gear with UVs against either shadow/fire/poison. (Higher the better, but at least medium.)
4. Battle sprites are NOT dumb--VERY useful.
The only "useful" sprite is Seraphynx. (My opinion.)
However, they are a bit expensive to level up unless you are willing to play slowly and collect minerals yourself for the sprite food.
So I agree with Treavelliath that it is best to wait on Sprite until you finish your first set of 5* gear. BUT, they are useful!
(I have all the sprites all at lvl 105, and the only one I find useful is Seraphynx.)
5. Accessories ARE useless, a waste of crs; better to get your gear in order first.
Nobody cares what you look like; only what kind of effective gear you have.
If you want to be unique then wear a 0* gear! That is the rarest gear you will ever see in game play.
6. Hold back on gun, as you have only two weapon slots, but the tried and true Blitz needle is a safe investment (get UV against fiends).
If you wish, go for the tried and true Polaris (UV against Slime). I know many people hate that gun, but I think it is useful.
7. Why waste all that you have now by starting a new character, seems like wasted time and expense.
8. Don't spend $200 on CE as it won't take you far. Carefully decide your FIRST set of gear (sword, bomb, gun, helmet, armour)
and stay focused only completing that gear to 5* before you get tempted to other stuff.
9. Bottom line: Equip to accomplish Vanaduke.
My opinion. Cheers and Good luck. and have fun!
To find out what you've missed, read http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Release/all. The big release is 2013-07-30.
1. Just go through the rank missions in order. Unless you are using an old knight with high-star items, you will get stalled at the Hall of Heroes for 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star clearance. While you are stalled, go back and do old missions, or visit the Arcade.
2. You might want to read my detailed sword guide. The most offensive armors for sworders are Black Kat and Chaos. After that come Vog Cub, Skolver, and Snarbolax. The most powerful swords in the game are brandishes (particularly Acheron, Combuster, and maybe Voltedge), Warmaster Rocket Hammer, and Final Flourish/Barbarous Thorn Blade. Powerful guns include the alchemers, Blitz Needle/Grim Repeater, maybe Callahan/Winter Grave/Iron Slug. Powerful bombs include Dark Briar Barrage, Dark Retribution, maybe Nitronome, and sometimes haze bombs.
3. The big bottleneck in your progress is now Radiant Fire Crystals, which are used for heating 5-star items. $200 will buy you not very many, sadly. But for stuff other than that, $200 will buy you a huge amount of progress.
4. Accessories are purely cosmetic. Spend that money if you want to, or don't if you don't.
5. Battle sprites are not required. But their skills are kind of fun. And even if you hate their skills, they have perks. A perk is basically a free trinket slot with a variety of free trinkets to put in it. Very useful. The three kinds of battle sprite are pretty balanced. Read about the skills and choose whatever seems attractive. No big deal.