And I am part of those who got demotivated with the CE prices. 3 OOO you seriously need to fix this.
I'll stop playing for a while or maybe use my mist energy once in a while, but at this moment I think i'm too demotivated to play.
Well anyway, good luck in fixing this guys
and then on monday, ima buy like 50,000CE and make the market like 20k for 100CE =D
i k33d, half my friends list is gone now (although i havnt been logging on on the weekends derp) eh I'm used to it. but really... I'm broker then i was in preview - and CE then was 20k.... i currently have 10CE 700cr and about 20 things ready to be upgraded with my non-existant energy. I guess I'll just by some more energy on monday - no harm in playing and playing for a fun game. I mean come on, i wasted $50 on them chocolate grabber machines and $100 on tony hawks on the wii which i got about 10mins of play out of.