I had a thread about gunning here a bit ago and got some great advice. I'm almost done crafting my new guns (s6 and bh can suck it >_<,!.) and now I'm looking at armor...
To me it seems the obvious choice for "gunner armor" is the nameless pancho. I'm doing a bomb / gunner hybrid, so I'm looking at both options. The mad bomber and volcanic suits both look appealing too.
So here is my new question: Is the attack speed bonus from the sunset line worth it? What does attack speed change as it increases? Does it change reload time too? Does it effect projectile speed? Are there any other benefits to attack speed? Do you feel running with 2-3 guns and 1-2 bombs would make the gunner armor the most appealing choice?
Could it be more important to pack the bomber gear for decreased bomb charge time so that I can get a bomb charge? In groups my gunning seems to fall to 2nd place even with my better guns simply because I have the shivermist mass cc bomb. I already have the gunner and demo suits to level 3, and am looking at the level 4 upgrades...
So which do you think would be better? Quicker bomb charge time or faster attack speed on guns?
OR - is there another armor set that would be superior which I have been overlooking? Some other stat I could use that I maybe don't know about?
Try this thread if you haven't seen it yet: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/5286 (I don't know if Fossa still plays, but the information is still maybe helpful.)