
4 replies [Last post]

Would someone out there like to mentor me?
I have re-rolled this character 4 times & made some bad decisions*... or just didnt like what I chose.. lol.

*buying 2 sets of armor that i couldnt afford
*buying 2 guns that i didnt like
* buying a sword that i quickly out leveled

Anyone out there want to guide me,? or bring me into their guild?

if your answer is no, dont bother. ^-^;

Bopp's picture
can't, but

I can't mentor you in-game (mentoring accident long ago broke my clavicle; hasn't been the same since) but if you're looking for advice on equipment then here are three tips:

1. Many questions have been answered already. Search Google, adding "" to your search string. Don't use the forum's built-in search. It's not good.

2. If you want to use some bombs, read the Bombing Guide on the wiki. If you want to use some guns, then read the Gunslinger Guide. If you want to use some swords, then give my detailed sword guide a try.

3. After you do a little research, consider starting a thread in Arsenal forum with whatever specific questions you have.

Enjoy the game!

Sergeantwrench's picture
Why not?

Message me in game: Sergeantwrench

I could help you out with missions, give you types, show you the best places to hide the bodies...What?

But anyway, if you don't mind taking orders from a wrench, then I'm your guy.

Smalltownguy's picture
don't worry.

1) Don't worry. I doubt you've done anything wrong that we didn't also do wrong, nor anything that will cause any lasting damage. You don't need to re-roll your character.

2) Read Bopp's Sword Guide (link is given above).

3) Try out some new stuff. Have fun.

Traevelliath's picture

You never need to re-roll your character unless you absolutely MUST get a different set of Proto Armor. At most you lose out on some mission rewards, but those are rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

With the recent addition of Sprites and Sprite Perks, you don't need to be 100% fully optimized to go far into the game. People will tell you to get specific armor sets and that certain weapons are worthless compared to others, but you can still adventure into the Clockwork with non-optimized loadouts.