so, i spent half my week leveling cobalt and making the next star version, all the way up to azure. within 1 min of maxing my mighty cobalt, i transmute an azure helm.
~it looks exactly like mighty cobalt~
this was deeply dissatisfying, as i thought it would look uber like the aegis shield. and now i feel like i wasted time, as the only reason i wanted azure is because i was convinced itd look insane (i mean its pretty unbalanced as it only has norm defence). but no.
so i was wondering if there will be new art very soon, or is it in progress? im fine with having 1-3 star look the same but i thought 4-5 were special and should look different to the previous armour. theres no way to distinguish that i even have 5 star armour now, apart from saying hey i have azure stuff. so is blackhat working on this?
*gives virtual cookie to blackhat," make moar art " =P*