Well, basically this is the second time this happens and I'm tired of it. We only get a 30 minute warning on server reboot, I was in the middle of going down to kill vanaduke, and of course 30 minutes aren't enough. I stopped at the end of level 26 and of course after the server rebooting I don't get any energy refund or mist recharge, just get booted back to Haven meaning I wasted all the energy I used to go down to that specific depth. I think it's only FAIR that if we are in the middle of a run, we get back to start where we were before. Seriously.
Opening this thread to make a complaint (Server Reboots)
The only way you get put back to the exact dungeon you left on at, and with the same amount of progress is if you're forced out of the game by internet disconnection.
If I'm not mistaken that is.
A major flaw is that it's too easy to have a run go to waste. Something suddenly comes up while you're going solo in a dungeon, you have time to do your errand, but come back to the logging screen because ''You were disconnected due to idleness''. Well, you just lost time and energy because you're not allowed to AFK for very long.
Server reboot? Wasted your time and energy.
The 30minutes they give is ample time in my opinion, but the fact that you get put back in Haven after being disconnected by almost all methods is what's garbage.
I solo T3 so I HATE rushing and it usually takes me quite awhile to reach the terminal especially if I'm waiting for a certain level but hell what can you do when they shove server maintenance in our faces like that, I get that it was a big bug and probably causing lots of complaints so I'd let this slide but that doesn't condone the last twenty times they've done it for minor things.
As I suggested before they need to schedule things, hell most games even in BETA schedule everything from bug fixes, patched/updates to maintenance on here were lucky to get a heads up on twitter and that's if anyone even bothers to check it, I don't.
I have seen them lately posted upcoming stuff on the forums so kudos for that however you have a mainpage OOO USE IT.
Apologies for the inconvenience. In this case, we needed to put the bugfix through ASAP--Snarbolax was misbehaving and folks were getting killed because of it. The GMs were swooping in to save people as quickly as they could, but that's really not a situation that should be left for an hour.
Yes but then why not put us back exactly where we were before? Or refilling or mists then? I mean, sure, bug fixing asap is good to prevent players from being affect by the bugs. But what about the other players like me and my party? There must be a way to simply satisfy both sides, right? Putting us back where we were before seems to be the best option out there.
@Wafer it went to waste cause I was looking to kill Vanaduke. So not only I wasted energy but I also wasted my time.
I agree with the OP and would like to add. It doesn't really matter if you break even on crowns earned vs CE spent. If your objective is to get the seals and you are spending your energy to get said seals... then it's more about wasted effort and having to redo all of it from depth 19. If people knew sooner when the servers were shutting down, they would likely opt for tier 1 mat farming or a jelly run as opposed to risking an unfinished Vana. Depending on the stratum - often times it can be a challenge getting to FSC without a single revive taking place, which is the ideal situation. It would be quite frustrating to perform well and fall short of the Vana kill because of the short announce times.
Counting down from 2 hours would be best, even from 1 hour would be better so maybe people can stop at the terminal or not start the run at all.
Sorry, DeeCee85, in this case, a one hour countdown, not to mention a two hour countdown, would have been unconscionable. When possible, we want to give as much heads-up time as we can, but when we must act swiftly, we reserve the right to do so.
Again, we do apologize for the inconvenience this causes. This is not anyone's favorite thing to have happen.
Doesn't explain the dozens of times this has happened when there's wasn't a major bug, for stuff like that it should be scheduled. I'm sure people understand the situation with this bug I know I do but I'm pretty sure people are just fed up from all the other times it's happened.
things like emergency bugfixes i understand but when you're updating the game its really annoying
its nice and all that you tell us about new content but at the least u can do it is state a time and date well AHEAD of time.
nick normally does it an hour or two before maint. that isnt enough time for a lot of players especially if they are on a long run
And there is nothing you guys can do to prevent this from happening in the future? I'm not even looking for any kind of "reparation" to what happened, just trying to make sure it doesn't happen again. Like I said before, going back into the same place we were after the reboot would be the best.
Shanks, one other thing: if you're seeking a remedy for what happened to you tonight, might I suggest actually contacting support about it? Posting on the forums doesn't send your issue into the on-duty GM's queue. Neither does the rather terse bug report you filed.
Protip: Wait 2 hours after an update before swimming. They always have to fix stuff.
It was enough time for me to kill Duke though.
why not set up a time for rebooting? instead of warning us randomly, why not set a date and time so that players would acknowledge it and avoid doing time-consuming runs? maybe send system mail to all players so no one would be left out.
@Howhurl I like the idea of mail actually it's better than a system msg because I've logged on between 30-20-10 etc. before so didn't even know a countdown was in effect until AFTER I paid to enter a gate and after I took the elevator down, didn't make it far before the last warning came up (first warning for me) and needless to say I wasn't happy.
Like I said, I'm not, just looking for solution so this won't happen in the future. And of course I contacted the GMs already, and basically the support's answer was "We issued a warning 30 min before rebooting, there is not much else we can do about it."
Howhurl and kbe2k11, did you read Eurydice's comments?
They needed to do an emergency bugfix to cure Snarby's invulnerability bug. This isn't something that could have waited any longer.
For regular updates, sure they should announce beforehand (if they can) and announce a time or date or something.
Honestly, I'd rather have the bugfix ASAP than force EVERYONE ELSE to wait.
@Providence did you even bother to read my comments.
I clearly said this time it's understandable but it doesn't excuse the dozens of others times they did this when it was just minor things they had to fix.
Seriously learn to read.
Shanks: I don't want to belabor this, but I'm looking at your support history right now, and I'm not seeing any incoming petition from you in it. Different account?
"Seriously learn to read."
Hokay. Sorry. I really didn't think you had read her posts---this was a MAJOR issue they were fixing, so I was more understanding about it, but I guess you don't feel the same. Still...bugfixes happen. I get that you're frustrated, but I still don't think its reasonable to delay an update because some players happen to be doing something time-consuming. Games die because bugs don't get fixed and players get frustrated; in my mind, the fix is more important than a run that can be done again later.
@ Eury, no need to apologize but thanks - this situation has only happened to me once on a jelly run. I was irritated at the time but nothing so serious as to post about it. :) I personally don't mind the 30 minutes because I've come to expect it. I'm just adding my opinion to the post. Some do care, and for those that do they would feel less >_< ! if they had a bigger heads up.
If you, nick, or others ever want to discuss things that bother me on a real level... I have post replies out there :) Find my novels if you get bored enough on a lunch break. Lol
@DeeCee85: I do read your posts, and I thank you for taking the time to write them!
You suggest that players should be put back in the clockworks where they left off. It sounds like a nice idea at first blush, but I'm not sure it's practical. It would require storing and restoring the entire state of whatever level of the clockworks you're on. This kind of thing can be difficult to add when the program wasn't designed for it, and could itself lead to additional bugs when changes are made. And what do you do about parties? If you break them up, what if these players still wanted to play together? If you try to keep the groups together, what if one player in a group doesn't come back on immediately? If the party was in the middle of a frantic fight, when does the action resume? As soon as the server reboots? As soon as the first player gets back? How long after the reboot do you retain the data and allow players to pick up where they left off?
Nah, not really. What happened was that for some reason I couldn't open the support page in my browser, it would show just a blank screen, so Lufte went ahead to help me out (he wasn't in the party) and filled the ticket, informing that the gm/support should contact me or any other players in that particular party. The GM/support ended up sending a mail to Hollafamer (who was in the party with me) only after the server reboot. I hope that clears things up.
@Trouserman It seems to me (correct if I'm wrong) that they already have a similar system that goes on when a player get disconnected from the game for random reasons (pc/internet crash for example.) So I'm supposing here that the same could be applied when the server reboots.
I also get a blank page on support page. Can't even get the email because it displays a blank page. And no, there is no adblocker / noscript here, all vanilla firefox. I tried on 3 PCs.
@ Trouser) Don't store all the data. The most one could reasonably hope for would be to start @ the beginning of that depth without being charged additional CE. Or give the player the option to restart the last level they were on for the 10 CE cost. Either way is same result, just whether or not they want people to spend CE for it. So to answer all your questions.. it would be as though the player just started the level.
@ Shanks RE: Trouser) They have a similar system up and running for disconnects, but that is while the server is online. If they restart the servers.. any active game data would have to be stored while the game was updated and servers offline. ALSO it would have to remain bug-safe. What if something they stored had to be modified during the update, then they try to restore save data that isn't functional with the new code? That = bad things. So Trouser is partially correct.. it could be very difficult to implement depending on their code architecture.
@ Eurydice) You sure? o.0 I'll find out soon enough I have a post or two I've yet to write. I hope to see some feedback! They will be more concise than usual, lol. Until then.. I guess I have no choice but to believe you. Thanks for reading :]
"maybe send system mail to all players so no one would be left out."
They did this, actually. It was an in-game mail warning not to go fight the Snarbolax until the bugfix was implemented (and that said bugfix would be pushed out ASAP). The mail was automatically removed from the inbox once the patch was out. Folks fighting the Snarbolax had ended up spending 50 Energy to go bash their heads against an unkillable brick wall, so... yeah.
@Shanks: Ah, I see! Thanks for clearing that up.
@DeeCee85: Ha! I'm not going to be able to provide detailed feedback on each post; I can't commit the dev team to changes, timelines, or outcomes, and to a certain degree I also need to avoid giving out spoilers. Just because I don't provide a lengthy response (or rebuttal) to a post doesn't mean I haven't read it and taken notes on it, though. ;)
"It seems to me (correct if I'm wrong) that they already have a similar system that goes on when a player get disconnected from the game for random reasons (pc/internet crash for example.) So I'm supposing here that the same could be applied when the server reboots."
They can do that because the server is still up and active and knows exactly where you are. To the rest of your party, you never left the dungeon (unless they kick you in between). They'll even see an "Unplugged" icon floating over your head until you reconnect (again, unless they kick you into your own instance before you get back). The dungeon is still active the whole time because the servers are still active the whole time.
They're not "saving and remembering" the stage you were on, they're just not removing you from it unless you're off for... 10 minutes, I think? It works specifically because the servers are NOT being shut down in between. Needless to say, rebooting the servers means shutting down the dungeons too. This doesn't work for the exact same reason you can't maintain a Team Fortress 2 server running on your computer while you are rebooting that very same computer.
You know, now that an admin is reading this. I have been trying too contact OOO about my billing information and i have never gotten a response. It is a serious matter for me and I would like to have my emails checked out and responded.
(Apologies in advance for the derailment, guys.)
@Cyberhaven, support replies to every mail they receive. However, the replies sometimes get caught in people's spam filters. Did you check there already?
Free restart of the level is abusable, since you can then run it twice for one gate fee, doubling your crown profit. An option to restart for 10E might be workable. People will still want to resume playing with their friends, and will presumably still complain about it being unfair if they don't get full token credit for resuming mid way through a boss stratum. So, perhaps the option is given in a mail to whisk back to the clockworks. This makes you the leader, and restores your token credit. Alternatively, if you simply join a party at the same level of the same gate, your credit is restored, allowing the remainder of the party to rejoin using the existing mechanisms.
There would presumably still be complaints about only getting half way through a level before the reboot, and missing out on heat and minerals.
Hi! One or two other players who use the same e-mail service as you do have had a similar problem. If you'd like to send us an in-game support request letting us know what sort of help you were seeking from billing, we can get the ball rolling from there. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hyperion to the rescue!
Eurydice is Batman or Batwomen and Hyperion is like Robin =0 EPIC
Wow I only just looked up on wiki that you can report bugs via F2. Eurydice if you are OK with us using the support feature regularly, then I will happily bear that in mind when playing. In most games I would have thought spamming the GMs saying "I got disconnected by the server reboot! Please restore me!" resulted in a slap on the wrists for wasting their time. Maybe the GMs are more friendly than my mental image :P
Patches are a touchy subject for most players; not only because they can interrupt game play, but because they also offer opportunity to both fix game play issues and possibly nerf aspects of the game players find enjoyable. Everybody has their preferences, and it is often an anxious time waiting to see how a patch will affect game play for dedicated players. More often than not, the changes are for the better, whether you like them or not. For that reason, it is my opinion that whenever a patch is released, it is worth the time sacrificed by players who have to restart runs, etc. . .
Having said that, however, I do support a better system of notification. Patches are partly intended to enhance or fix playability. In that regard it is counter productive to have game play interrupted when instead, a better system of announcement and maintenance can be put into effect. I think a regular maintenance period would remedy this perfectly. A designated maintenance period for non emergency patches would desist any interruption of game play, instead of "Surprise, patch time in 30 minutes." If that were the case, players would have no basis to file complaints, as they could then expect their game play to be (possibly) interrupted at a designated time, and would have been given sufficient notice if maintenance were actually scheduled for that time.
Emergency (unscheduled) patches are another story entirely, especially when game play might be determined by monetary investment ($$ -> CE -> Mid-run -> Surprise!). For unscheduled patches, it would seem fair to return part of the player's investment lost. A blanket 10 ME restitution to be distributed to all accounts would be fair, especially considering emergency patches fix the errors of the company and should not occur at the detriment of the player, especially especially considering monetary loss could be involved due to said errors. The added ME would be less likely to provide unnecessary benefit to players not logged on (as opposed to CE), and would alleviate (at least part of) the investment of time and money of players whose game play was interrupted by the unscheduled update by providing one free dungeon. This, of course, only becomes significant if regular maintenance periods were implemented, which I do think are necessary.
Just my two cents :) Overall, I think OOO does a fantastic job providing and maintaining a game that, frankly, I find to be far above the calibur of other MMOs; however, I feel there is enough room to improve policy regarding updates and the notification there of, that something should be done.
EDIT: Please overlook any run-ons and rambling.. I had a late night :3
@Pwnzord: Well, spamming support is not okay. ;) Requesting assistance if you find yourself grievously affected by a bug, such as the Snarbolax issue, is fine. (And if it is a bug, please, please also file an actual bug report!) For being disconnected by a server reboot with a half-hour warning time, you won't get showered in CE or tokens, though.
I was thinking more along the lines of the GMs putting you back where you were, but I don't know if that is possible! :P
Am I the only one who finds it amusing that when coding this patch of the devs had absent-mindedly changed:
normalPercent = 50;
piercingPercent = 50;
isInvincible = true;
Nah, I am also amused. I remember hearing a game-dev story where they fixed a bug on a mob in a low-level starting zone... and that same line of code ended up breaking an endboss mob on a different planet. (Which, now that I think of it, is... almost exactly what happened here, word-for-word.)
So yeah, that left me a bit more open-minded on the "fix thing A, break unrelated thing B" phenomenon of programming.
@Trouser: It could only be intentionally abused once or twice a week... If a reboot was coming people could just hang out at the end of a profitable level and restart, so I get your point there. It was just an idea though. The most balanced option would be the 10 CE charge to resume progress, but then people would likely still complain, lol. As it is currently, players could be left feeling like this...
@Eurydice: comforting to know the words aren't always wasted. That's one thing great about Three Rings I can't possibly dispute. Gm's and admins are very active and involved, unlike some other games I could easily name - mainstream and otherwise.
all i want to know is, how long do server reboots last until you can log back on? this game is what i do in my spare time!!!
Why are you bumping a year old thread? Good lord man, they even sent a message that there would be some downtime today.
If you actually read the message they sent, you would know already.
I don't even.
They should've put a flashy message instead of a mail.
They should make a forum, Called the incinerator. You put a thread in it, And it just blows it up and it's gone forever.
You don't know how to play this forums game.
The rules are:
~Dont Necro or get flamed.
~Dont post notices that you were banned or get flamed.
~Dont spam or get flamed.
~Dont spam as much as Pow did or start a flame war.
~Dont post pointless thread with no meaning or get flamed.
~Dont post pointless suggestions that make no sense or get flamed.
~Dont get drunk before posting, then posting regardless of your drunk state or get flamed.
And the Biggest one of all:
~Dont be stupid.
Thank you for your time.
(Post 23#) man that was so long ago man miss those guys. At first i didn't know this was an old thread but when I saw my name mentioned i knew this was old. I don't run anymore.
You didn't waste the energy, Vanaduke runs should give you at least 700 crowns per level