Hello to you all! ^-^
So now that I have a good deal of open time lately, I figured I wanted to make a Spiral Knights focused livestream!
To cut right to the point of what it will be about, I plan to be hosting a livestream of Spiral Knights on Twitch.tv. I'll be playing Lockdown mainly as I learn more and more about the game and practice to get better at Lockdown, and also will be sharing advice on how to play Lockdown, such as general strategies and gameplay basics, etc. I'll also be answering questions anyone has about the game, from very simple things such as if an item is worth a certain price on the Auction House, to gameplay mechanics such as the intricacies of Shield Canceling down to the very detail, to even things that older players may not have noticed or really thought about while playing through the game.
I'll also transition out of Lockdown matches into the Clockworks and Missions for any new players that want to learn more about the game and some things that can help you out getting started. I'll try not to go overboard on explaining things, but as I tend to not shut up sometimes. x3
In short, I'll basically be rambling about absolutely all I can about Spiral Knights that I find interesting and playing the game while doing so! So come join if you're interested! I'd love to play with you in game as well and run the Arcade and PvP games!
The schedule is below, along with the link to the livestream.
Note: The stream is now over! Thanks to the few who joined and watched! ^-^ I'm planning to stream for a little bit tomorrow, so I'll post the times for that in a bit.
Note: No schedule as of yet as I am still just starting out. HOWEVER for the remainder of this week I will be updating this thread with any information when I am streaming, along with making sure to update the title and bump whenever I do go live.
Link to the Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/xeirla
Also I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to post this in. Let me know and I can change it. I was considering placing it in New recruits depending on how well this all goes, though the entire stream's focus isnt 100% towards helping new recruits I dont think. We'll see how everything goes.
Anyways thank you for taking the time to read all of this! Took me about a half hour to make sure all of this was typed up and right at midnight, so I hope that you'll come and hang out in the stream and we can talk about and play Spiral Knights!
As a final note, I may play other games on stream and talk about topics of non-Spiral Knight-y nature, however that will not be announced here nor will I do so during the time allotted for Spiral Knights content.
-- Saved for further information if needed in the future --
Current Status: Livestream will be happening later today! Going to bed now and will wake up ready to play SK in a few hours.