Spiral Knights connection and patch downloading =/

So, I went started installing the new patch, but it keeps telling me it can;t connect to spiral knights.... so i tried the forums which took 5 mins to load to see if anything was going on. nothing - so i went to download it from the SK home page, which didn't load and gave me an error message =/
It's not my internet because i can load every other site perfectly, as well as download everything. It isn't java cus all my other java games work fine. looks like o wont be able to dld the new update unless it sorts itself out.
so now im typing here in a box, surrounded by white - no normal SK background as if the CSS has stuffed up.
I'm going out in a bit, so i hope this sorts itself out, but in the meantime any suggestions?
Meh, maybe you hit a super ULTRA busy time on the server, or something.
Good to know you're back in the game!
..... ok dw i must be blessed. just posted this after an hour trying, and now everything is working fine >.<