release comments

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Legacy Username

''- The Arcade Assistant now has handy images to help explain the Arcade. Let us know what you think!''

fail? we can NOT comment releases, so I suggest that we could.

btw, it looks good for new recruits

Poseidon's picture
Game Master
You just commented, it

You just commented, it worked!
We'll see your comments elsewhere too. In fact having just one thread for multiple changes tends to mean that the thread will quickly focus on just one of two of the changes ignoring the rest, so starting separate threads when needed for each change works better.

And yes most of you folks reading this will already know how it works, but for new players coming in as you mentioned this should help.

Legacy Username

okay...? :D

Legacy Username

It's quite clearer now.

My only concern is that the images are png indexed, which gives some low quality in their display. Probably done this way for compression, but maybe there are better options that weight the same.