Welcome to the Supreme Dream Team!
Founded in early 2015, our guild was started by a small group of Vanguards who had been conquering the clockworks since 2013. Because of our tight-knit group and love of the social aspect of the game, we were dubbed by some friends and colleagues as "The Supreme Dream Team." It just kinda stuck, so we went with it.
We strive to provide a friendly environment for all members. Having fun, goofing off, and kicking Vana’s butt is highly encouraged! We hold contests, raffles, competitions, and run Shadow Lairs.
We are a very relaxed guild and do not have a long list of rules and regulations. Having said that, there is one main rule that we do enforce:
We will not tolerate any begging, whining, bullying, or generally being a pain in the arse to anyone else.
While most players do not fall into this category, there are some that will continually ask others for free stuff. Our goal in leading this guild is to help our guildmates by assisting them with difficult missions, answering questions, offering advice, and helping where we can, not to fund players’ purchases.
We love to laugh, cut up, and act the fool, so if you can’t take a joke, or take offense to occasional inappropriate behavior, then you may want to look for a different guild. The bottom line here though is to always treat your guildmates with respect.
Donations to the guild treasury are completely voluntary and are never forced on any member.
~ Recruit: You are considered a Recruit for the 1st week.
~ Member: After 1 week as a Recruit, you are automatically promoted to Member.
~ Veteran: (Minimum Rank Defender Elite) After 30 days as a member, you may request a promotion to Veteran status. Readiness for promotion is determined by your contributions to the guild, including but not limited to, leadership skills, helping others, personal characteristics, trustworthiness, donations to the guild treasury, and player’s skill.
~ Officer: (Minimum Rank Vanguard) After 30 days as a Veteran, you are eligible for a promotion to Officer. Because officers are hand-picked by the GMs, the process is extremely selective and is only awarded to a select few. Candidates for the officer rank must have shown themselves to be trustworthy, a good team player, highly skilled, knowledgeable, and show good leadership skills.
*** Note - GMs are the ultimately authority in the guild and may promote or demote members at their discretion. Those who show exceptional skills and leadership may be promoted ahead of schedule if the GM sees fit, and those who have been previously promoted may be demoted if their behavior is not deserving of the guild rank they hold.
The most important contributions that Veterans and Officers make to the guild are not their donations of crowns, but their ability to be a team player, help others, be fair, be a good leader, and represent the guild well.
Member, Veteran, & Officer Storage
The GMs have set up Member Storage areas at the guild console. Individuals are welcome to use what is available and encouraged to return the favor by depositing similar items back into the storage or making a donation to the guild treasury. Take an item, leave an item. Examples of things that may be deposited or removed might be sprite food, random materials, recipes, accessories, etc. Take only the amount that you need. Don't be greedy, and always leave some for others. Remember - Sharing is Caring!
***** Member storage is completely on the honor system, and anyone found abusing it will be immediately demoted or removed from the guild. *****
Now on to the social side of things - The Community of the Supreme Dream Team is friendly and a lot of fun!
All contests and raffles will be announced on the guild website at
Here are a few events that may occasionally be held during any given month:
***** Monthly Raffles and Giveaways (Contest rules will vary)
Prizes may include valuable goodies to include energy, orbs, sparks, costumes and/or accessories.
***** Guild Hall Room Contest (When rooms are available)
Want a cozy little space in the guild hall to call your own? Be the highest crown donor for the month and it’s yours! Donations are cumulative over the course of the month, from the 1st day to the last, and will be totaled by the GM at the end of the month. The winner is announced shortly thereafter around the 1st of the month.
***** The 10K Raffle
How would you like to win 100k crowns?! Everyone who donates at least 10k crowns to the guild treasury is automatically entered into the drawing. Drawing is held at the end of the month.
***** Shadow Lair Runs
Ever come face to face with the swarm? No? Well, now you can! GMs and officers will occasionally host shadow lair runs for all qualified participants. To attend this event, you must be at least a Defender Elite equipped with adequate 4 or 5* gear and bring a recommended minimum of 5 sparks. Keys will be provided by a GM or Officer at no cost to the guild member, and the players together will choose which shadow lair to enter. All interested parties are required to sign up on the guild website.
Interested in joining us? PM me, Irish-Eyes, or post a comment here with your player name along with a few fun facts about yourself, and one of our GMs will send you an invite.
Questions? Visit our website at:
** Supreme Dream Team ** Come join us on Discord!

IGN: Munuver
I'm a guy
I act like a guy
I have never met another guy

Questions? See our website at:
Interested in joining us? Post a comment here with your player name along with a few fun facts about yourself, and one of our GMs will send you an invite.

this loook like cool guild.
my ign is Immrlonely
i am 15
i like to join.
am knight elite
This seems like a good guild
I'm 16
I'm a knight
Outgoing, laided back and chilled
I would be very much interested in joining this fine establishment.
But odd speech patterns aside I have been looking for a guild like this for a long time.
I'm 17- 18 in march.
I have restarted my character because of various reasons. (so currently I'm a soldier but have around 250 hours of experience.)
Tend to be reserved and quiet but I am very quirky and clever once I know everyone.
From what I have seen I am one of the few who hybrid bombs and guns In their load out.

My in-game name is Dill-Sar, not Dilsar
One of my friends who is in the guild recommended this guild to me so... Hi!
I like to joke around a lot and go on high-rank missions to get crowns
I just got to Knight Elite after FINALLY beating the Hall of Heroes mission
I really want to join! :D

Due to an overwhelming response, we are almost at guild capacity. If you would like an invitation to join us, please send an in-game mail to one of our GMs or officers, or post here and we'll send you a personal invite.
We also have a HUGE contest going on this month, with some very, very, cool prizes. Check it out on our website: www.SupremeDreamTeam.shivtr.com.
Irish-Eyes (GM)
Sir-Macalot (GM)
Tiraen (Officer)
Grey-Wanderer (Officer)
Zoombuggy (Officer)
IGN: Robo-Minecrafter (I made it 4 years ago, don't judge please)
I am a Vanguard
I am almost an Eagle Scout
I am 14, but more mature than most 16 year olds
I like to be serious when necessary, but love jokes
My steam is http://steamcommunity.com/id/nerfyinyang

IGN: Vloe
I am a full bomber.
I've been playing this game since Aprill 2011, so over 5 years now (geez).
I just recently started playing again after hearing about the Grey Havens takeover.
I'm from Australia :)

Yo, I'm a veteran SK player (starting in 2012, back in the ol' mist days) who has only just recently started playing again on a new account, so I've still alot to learn with all the new updates and whatnot. I'm a fan of the SK guild community, which I believe is one of the most tight-knit I've ever experienced in an RPG, but as a returned player looking to re-learn the ropes and have fun socializing on the way I'm looking for a friendly, relaxed and laid-back guild, so I'm interested to see and enjoy what SDT has to offer, as well as contribute to the guild in my own ways.
Ectype-Vi (IGN)
IGN : Kirito-kitsune (XD i know anime name )
- Im 15 years old
- im algerian
- i have start a youtube channel
- im a big fan of anime- manga and video games

We've had quite a few new members join our ranks recently, and I wish to say a warm hello and welcome to our team. We are all getting excited to see what Grey Havens has in store for Spiral Knights, as things are beginning to pick up around Haven quite a bit.
See you around! :)
~ Irish
Ign Eliseo
Im 28 love to play and just came back from a 3 years of SK break would love to join
IGN: Soggy-Crouton
Hey! I'm looking for a guild that I can be loyal to and I think this is the best one for what I was looking for. I have been playing since 2012 and my main is a Vanguard but this new Knight is just getting started and I would like to join a guild that I can contribute to. I play everyday if I can help it and this character I am working on is going to be a pure bomber. Please send me and invite if you are interested! <3

Check out our website @ http://supremedreamteam.shivtr.com
New for the month of June - Do you use steam? We have a new SDT SK Steam Group with plenty of active players. Also, details for our June contest are now posted in the Forums on our website. It's going to be a good month! :)
If you'd like to become a part of the Supreme Dream Team, post here for an invitation, or mail one of our GMs or officers for an invite:
Irish-Eyes - GM
Tiraen - Officer
Howhurl - Officer
Hope to see you soon!
- Remy-Cool
Hey !! Im Remy im 16 years restart playin this game like 2 day ago and im intressted to join your guild im like a guy that use sword then gun or bombe and im a big fan of anime manga and video games i can play this game all day if im a very active guild and i can contribute the guild with crowns or helpin some new player frome the guild or not !!!
Well hop you like my littel application and invite me !!!!
See You Soon
Hello, I'm 16, My first encounter with SK was like 2 yrs ago, but friend of mine dragged me to this game once again, and i loved it. Not sure why i left it in first place, but this doesn't matter now. Friend moved to WoW, but i'm staying, and i'm just looking for ppl to have fun with and will accept my play style (I love guns, they are great, Swords are not for me,no i don't want Callahan) I'm gona be pretty active player, playing like 0,5-1hour daily. I enjoy farming and helping others, so I think We can get along well. Do i have a chance ^^?
Hi, Are you still active and taking people in? IGN: Znemerald

IGN: Arcaneslay
I'm from Singapore, I love to read, exercise and immerse myself in fashion and also spiral knights hope to see you all soon =D

After a bit of of a slowdown throughout the winter months, it's time once again to add some fresh faces to our ranks. Most everything you need to know about us is explained in detail at the top of this post, but the bottom line is that we are a relaxed, fun-loving guild, without a bunch of boring rules and regulations. Players with a good attitude, enthusiasm for the game, and all-around team players are encouraged to join us. Hope to see you soon!
~ Irish-Eyes
New contests and prizes for the month of April to be announced soon!
Check out our website @ http://supremedreamteam.shivtr.com
If you'd like to become a part of the Supreme Dream Team, post here for an invitation, or mail one of our GMs or officers for an invite:
Irish-Eyes - GM
GreyWanderer - GM
Tiraen - Officer

Spring Fever Reboot
After a bit of of a slowdown throughout the winter months, it's time once again to add some fresh faces to our ranks. Most everything you need to know about us is explained in detail at the top of this post, but the bottom line is that we are a relaxed, fun-loving guild, without a bunch of boring rules and regulations. Players with a good attitude, enthusiasm for the game, and all-around team players are encouraged to join us. Hope to see you soon!
~ Irish-Eyes
Check out our website @ http://supremedreamteam.shivtr.com
If you'd like to become a part of the Supreme Dream Team, post here for an invitation, or mail one of our GMs or officers for an invite:
Irish-Eyes - GM

One of the best parts about Spiral Knights is having a good team to run with. If you're looking for like-minded players, give us a shout, we'd be glad to have ya! :)
~ Irish

Supreme Dream Team is actively recruiting! PM me in-game or comment here for an invitation. Hope to see you soon!
To learn more about us, read the very top post, and visit our website at:

Welcome! We've added over 20 members in just the last few days! We have plenty of room left in our massive guild hall, so if you're looking for some active, helpful, and enthusiastic people to run with, give us a shout! Hope to see you soon. :)
~ Irish

New raffles and contests for the month of July, to be announced soon on our guild website - www.SupremeDreamTeam.Shivtr.com
Join us and see what we're all about!
~ Irish-Eyes, GM
Hey !
My Name is Ramzi 17 Y.O i just start this game like 2-3 days ago i found on steam in my recommendation and i like it but alone it's a bit boring an silly so i would like to join your guild and see how it works ! i'm very active in game sometimes i tchat more than i play but still i'm active.
IGN : Ramzii-Rf
Hi :D
My IGN is Pisces-Gunner
I'm a gun-lover (You can see from the name)!
Die in the Clockworks really quickly, even with good armor (Sounds weird, but true ;-;)
Can't think of anything else...

Name’s Ajax
I like Jameson and mischief (in that order), long walks on nude beaches, and Swedish meatballs.
Just got back in the game from a 2 year alcohol fueled hiatus (see above comment)
I’m told by the the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the king of Sweden, and the Easter bunny that this is the greatest guild that ever was or ever will be.
So yeah, sign me up girl. Quickly please, I don’t have all day.
Hugs and kisses,

I’m also the originator of the no death while heavily intoxicated Shadow Lair runs.
Because anyone can post a YouTube video of not dying to Darkfire Vana, but can they do it after half bottle of triple distilled Irish gold ☘️!!! Probably not.
Seriously I think this guild needs the abundance of charisma I bring to the table. You won’t regret inviting me. Well perhaps you will, but it’ll be fun finding out.

I’m the most handsome and humble person you’ll ever know.

I think we're gonna get along just fine... See ya soon!

We're up to around 150 members now, and things are getting pretty active! Send myself, Irish-Eyes, or Ajax-Thanatos an ingame mail if you'd like to join us. :)

Guild looks pretty alive! I'd love to join and be part of the fun.
Fun fact : I do videos where I talk to my cat's... with some SK mixed in. Who doesn't like people who talk to cats?

Glad to have ya! I'm more of a dog person myself, but I talk to him too. He only answers when he wants food though. :)
We do not, nor will we ever, force members to donate to the guild treasury.
Our goal is to provide a fun and energetic atmosphere for our active guild. We have drawings, contests, Shadow Lair runs, and other events regularly scheduled throughout the month.
Questions? See our website at:
Interested in joining us? Post a comment here with your player name along with a few fun facts about yourself, and one of our GMs will send you an invite.