I found this program after looking blindly in other Spiral Knights related videos and I needed something to fill my small, fixable void untill I felt the need to play the original Spiral Knights game.
But the issue is- I haven't managed to get the program Spiral Spy to work, I have it set in the Steam's Spiral Knights folder yet when I attempt to start it up, it does absolutly nothing-- No java process, a second of loading mouse icon, but, nothing happens.
Anyone know a more specific way or a fix to attempt to start up this program?
Spiral Spy
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 18:04
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 19:26
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I can load it just fine.
That being said, I've not updated SK for a while.
Thu, 04/16/2015 - 13:05
Huh? That's new. Never heard of that issue before. If this is still a problem, then maybe I can offer some help for once in my life.
Have you tried taking it out, downloading a new one and putting that one in? It should be in the same file as the rsrc folder...
It's like that for me too. Blank gray screen. No loading bar, no grid, no model, nothing. Then it crashes if you so much as touch it (but it's a delayed crash; give it about half a minute).