They provide the smallest amount of status resist or defense, and are bought for 20 tokens or even 100 tokens for just a small boost. To add to the cost, you have to buy a 30 day only upgrade WITH ENERGY to use them. Why are trinkets (besides the love puppy ones) so important?
What's so important about trinkets?
Fri, 06/10/2011 - 08:14
Legacy Username
Fri, 06/10/2011 - 08:22
To answer your question,
two trinkets provide you with the same stats as a single piece of armor, effectively giving you a third piece of Status Resist or Defense.
That's a 30% increase in resistance or defense.
Fri, 06/10/2011 - 09:55
Legacy Username
It is rather odd that you
It is rather odd that you have this third element to your defences that is effectively sealed off through high costs. As a relatively new F2P you just have to understand that you are not going to so much as touch a trinket until you're well into the endgame. It is a bit like having a second weapon or amour set - just one is expensive enough to be getting on with until you've got you're full 5* :(
Half a bar of Shadow defense is handy for a player with no Shadow defense on their armor. And the stuff that does protect against Shadow often has negative Fire resistance, so...
You can plug up "holes and blindspots" in your armor with trinkets. Problem is, the GOOD stuff tends to come from Forge Sparks, which appear to be least common (Grim can drop from Fiend/Undead stages, Gloaming Wildwoods and graveyards, available on all tiers; Primal can drop from Slime/Beast stages and Royal Jelly Palace, which is very farmable; Forge is from Fire/Construct/Gremlin and, what, Firestorm Citadel?)
There used to be trinkets that increased attack speed, damage and charge speed on certain weapon categories, but those were removed. Probably felt like too much of a "must-have" compared to the other trinkets.