Is there a way to block chat ingame so I don't see it from anyone but people I want as my friends? If that isn't possible, is there a way to block chat period?
That was the easy one, ^_^
I just started playing, and the game does run pretty good, It doesn't freeze or anything, it's just that when I get into battle the games does seem to slow down a bit when I am attacking. I can run around fine, but when I try to do things like combo's it either doesn't work or starts charging an attack instead. Am I doing something wrong for a combo? Can I make a combo use 2 buttons instead of 1 to stop this?
One last thing, I bought a new sword, is that why I can't combo?
Thank you
You can leave zone and trade chat by typing "/leave 1" and "/leave 2" you can join them again by typing "/join 1" and "/join 2". Local chat is always on though.
As for your sword... sounds like you have sticky keys. You can cleaning your keyboard/mouse, otherwise hit Esc and you can change the key bindings under "controls".