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Ready's picture

Clicking the gate at the end of the level should bring up the gate map set to the level you are on.

I've had it happen a couple times where I "am about to die" and I activate a health capsule and am killed, and I lose the health capsule. Either give me the health or give me the capsule back. :)

The health display continues to fool me as to what level of health I'm on. I only today noticed that if you have more than the bar can hold and you are in the second level there is a little '1' on the left most side (or a 2 if you get more than the bar can hold again, like I did earlier today with a +30) I still fail to notice the numbers and don't know if I'm a quarter of the way from death or just from half way down. Maybe all the little bars could be color coded: Red when you are in the last third, yellow if you are in the middle third, green if you are in the top third. (So if I had 9 health total 7-9 would be green, 4-6 would be yellow and 1-3 would be red. If I had 27, then 1-9 would be red, 10-18 would be yellow and 19-27 would be green)

Fallout's picture
there is a suggestions page

there is a suggestions page you know......