I can possess swarms of rats and teleport. what can YOU do?
What is your superpower?
Being too lazy to post on the New Kind of Roleplaying game.
I will do menial tasks that give little to no reward as long as they aren't data entry without getting bored!
That's nothing. I can listen to someone talk about math without getting bored.
Ummmm I have no clue what my power would be...
I have 3D Vision that allows me to see the unseen beyond this physical dimension.
...also has superpowers! Battle Robot is me. Power to increase the power by overclocking! Oh, and the power to look stupid in Gremlin Chatter.
Well...I'd like to have mind control. But it's permanent. Like the Reapers from Mass Effect (Hint hint, my username). So yeah, you'll be serving me now if you don't mind.
Oh...a superpower. Dammit. I swear i'm the only guy in the universe who roots for the villain over the hero.
Okay, probably telekinesis. Probably so I can throw people around like ragdolls. Wow...i'm messed up.
I have the power to overclock myself for more power, turn to MClocker X and to Overshock the enemies. (Overshock - Kill anyone using Overclock Main Drive.)
I have the power to overclock myself for more power, turn to MClocker X and to Overshock the enemies. (Overshock - Kill anyone using Overclock Main Drive.)
Being able to control plant life would be awesome... that or Earth bending
"I swear i'm the only guy in the universe who roots for the villain over the hero." you are not the only one. I sometimes root for the villain too!
I can spit acid in peoples faces! And i can claw them!