I'm in the army. I'll be back in ~July, 2016.
(Maybe I'll come home couple times).
So you can wait for me, if you have much time and patience. :I
Feel free to leave a suggestions on my WTB list.
Want To Buy:
- Antigua [3★] / Blackhawk [4★] Attack Speed Increased High for 5 500 [3★] / 7 300 [4★] Energy.
- Blast bombs [2-3★] Charge Time Reduction Medium for 100 000 [2★] / 150 000 [3★] Crowns.
Want To Sell:
- Sealed Sword [3★ sword] Charge Time Reduction very High for 5 000 Energy.
- Voltage [5★ elemental shock sword] Damage bonus vs Gremlins Medium for 6 000 Energy.
- Savage Tortofist [5★ piercing gun] Damage bonus vs Fiends High for 6 500 Energy.
- Obsidian Carbine [5★ shadow poison gun] Damage bonus vs Slimes Med for 6 000 Energy.
- Sentenza [5★ shadow gun] Damage bonus vs Construct Medium for 5 500 Energy.
- Scintillating Sun Shards [5★ shard bomb - piercing stun bomb] Charge Time Reduction Low for 5 000 Energy.
In Game Nick: Rahaner.