I am an artist, and I want to learn to draw the Spiral Knight characters. Any tutorials, references, poses or anything to help me understand the basics of the character? Thanks!
I am an artist, and I want to learn to draw the Spiral Knight characters. Any tutorials, references, poses or anything to help me understand the basics of the character? Thanks!
Hey thanks Midnight-Dj!
I just wanted some more of a rough sketch pictures, that show you want you need to do. Like head shapes, body ideas, etc. But thanks. I'll look at this for further reference.
Hey thanks Midnight-Dj!
I just wanted some more of a rough sketch pictures, that show you want you need to do. Like head shapes, body ideas, etc. But thanks. I'll look at this for further reference.
Hello! Have some tutorials.
Done by Snowcube
Part 1
Part 2
I do have some tutorials of my own, but they're mostly for coloring and less on anatomy. However, I did a friend's drawing a few months ago, and I can offer to do something similar for you if you'd wish.
Here are some of my own arts on SK, hope they might help.
having problems with fight scenes?
A better look at the knights anatomy.
Humanization is the best kind of '-nization'.