Devilish Drudgery
I don't know if this is a new floor or not, but I just have to say, I love this map. Does anyone else agree? I've played it a few times in the Jade Lion gate, and it's so much fun every time.
If Three Rings can make more floors like this, I think the game will become amazing. We have some of these generic levels I was kinda getting sick of throughout all the gates, then suddenly I run into this one...and it's just a blast. Good Job guys, regardless of if it's new or not.

When I use my fire bomb which goes through walls, it's like I set their office on fire and they can't escape >=3

We've always wanted to add cubicle walls, filing cabinets, desks, etc. to the DD levels.

Really?! I already love letting the Devilte Managers run around and chat up the little guys... I just wanna see an Office Space reference chucked in there. I would probably die of laughter if one of those lines popped up and the little guys started chucking broken fax machines.
I believe there is an office space reference already in there actually. I can't remember which one it is, and next time I see them I'll wait to see which one it is.
It would be awesome if the Little Devilites in those levels chucked the office equipment in the level itself before making stuff out of no where. That would be icing on the cake I believe.

They need tiny red staplers to throw.
The boss should take them (red staplers) from the small ones to turn them into the Fire ones. Please tell me someone gets the reference.
...because they're going to burn the place down...
Also, I found the reference. The boss dudes says when transforming the devilites into one of the special types, "I'm going to have to have you come in on Saturday, mmmkay?"
I actually haven't seen that one, but yes, the Red Stapler is the same source for the reference. Awesome movie.
They already do throw staplers, albeit not red ones.
Another quote that sounds Lumberg-esque is "Yeah... you're fired."
If I could request a new quote, I'd want something about numbers. "You just aren't keeping those numbers up." "Hey, those numbers are looking good this week." Corporate is all about numbers.

I like how killing the boss causes all of his yes men to be fired.
These aren't new, however they tend not to show up as much. Yes, it is very fun.