New player looking for guild/group

5 replies [Last post]

Hey, I just started playing yesterday and decided it would be best to join a guild. So I was wondering if there are any noob friendly guilds that would mind helping me out?


Roneers's picture
some help

i suggest that you take a look at the guild recruitment page,
lots of useful info there

(if you don't mind being in a pretty new guild we could recruit you in sacred vow) :D

Bopp's picture

You will have better luck in the Guild Recruitment forum. So please move this thread there (by editing the original post and choosing that forum from the drop-down menu). Also, read those threads. Welcome to the game, and good luck.

Thagx's picture
You could join our guild, The

You could join our guild, The Dope Knights. We are a noob friendly guild, and we have a lot of players on the rank of Knight or Knight Elite. If you are interested send a mail to me in game. My In Game Name-Thagx

Carbinus's picture
As #1 and #2 have stated, the

As #1 and #2 have stated, the Guild Recruitment forum is a good place for this.
Although I would suggest you take the time to fill out an application for said guild you would like to join as the one's that require an application are usually larger and friendlier.

Gbot-Vtwo's picture