Do you lack materials for crafting? :)

Hello, new recruits! I don't have much use for hundreds of thousands of materials gathered over the years so I like giving them away to those who need them.
So if you need any just send me a friend request (I may or may not accept the friend request. This is just so you don't waste the mail fee for your request.) including your requested materials and I'll mail you your materials as soon as I can. Do try to /tell me first as I may be online. Faster that way.
I know how it feels to be so close to upgrading your Silent Nightblade into the sweet, sweet Acheron only to realize you lack a Ghost Bell and a Shadow Steel. ;_;
I don't give away Orbs, Kat Tribe Fetishes, crowns, energy, bound materials like Ancient Shells. Also, I may ignore those who send mail me 100 Primal Ores and 10,000 Blue Shards plz or any troll request. Please be considerate to those who really need the materials.
I only ask that once you have also collected more than enough materials you share them to fellow knights too.
In-Game Name: Ychi

Kindly send that material request via friend request message or mail as I don't frequently visit the forums. Thank you!

Any lvl 5 or lvl 4 material will be welcome pet is getting hungry these days :)
The amount you choose
Thanks in advance

Yeah I find that as my pet gets to higher and higher levels I can't keep up with crafting AND feeding. It's a seerus problem, so I gave up on the poor guy. Perhaps one day I shall feed him. For now, he sits in hunger... Also it's always nice to see players helping out other players in games!
let's see... a torchstone, blast powder, a Reaper rib, soul dust, blaze pepper, a sinful brew and a flame soul. These are the ingredients I need to create the most demonic little girl (Insert Pedobear seal of approval here) oh... and ofc, Chemical X