Seriously, why does the game does this? At first I thought it was just when you're alone, which makes some sense I guess (though still is annoying if you're inviting a friend to join and it boots you meanwhile), but when in a party?
Booting while dead has got to go.
I died the other day in tier 3 and was thinking about reviving. I was not idle ever, and clicking around the menus to see what stratum was next, which friends were online to have them join, if I should buy some CE, and BAM booted back to haven. I would think they should only boot people who are idle, not who are actively using the menus and only for what had to be less than 3 minutes. I had only just died; it's not like it takes a long time to look at the various menus.
Note that I was solo. If I'm in a party and active, I never get kicked. I was kicked for being idle and dead in a party once, but that's my fault for leaving for a few minutes.
I was not idle either in party or solo. Solo I was having a conversation with my guild to see if someone wanted to join. In party we were actually talking to eachother, waiting for the boss (vanaduke) to leave our bodies before we rezzed.
I've even joined someone once who was dead, and ended the loading screen back at Haven because he got booted JUST as I pressed Join. And of course, I lost my 10 energy anyway.
Incredibly frustrating >:[
Having more than 10 seconds on a lift (at least when solo) to work out how you want to proceed would be nice too..
Moving this topic to Suggestions so it's here for when I next catalog suggestions.
If your entire party is dead.. and no one revives for 3 minutes, you get booted to haven. Basic reason is they think you dont have enough energy to revive yourself and are waiting for someone to come and revive you. So they boot you.
And when you get kicked form a party, you dont go back to haven.. its similar to going solo. You go to another party with no members other than you.
If they want to stop people from joining parties and reviving people, they should just make it so you can't Join when people are dead.
Booting people for being dead for 3 minutes is a poorly constructed rule that not only (inefficiently) stops the above in certain circumstances, but also punishes people who are waiting to revive for legitimate reasons.
Hell, sometimes I stay dead for a few minutes while soloing in a danger room or something because it's the only way to "pause" the game :P
That hasn't happened to me, yet, but now I'm even more motivated to not die.
Were you idle or did it just kick you after you died?