Question about Prestige.

I'm not new, but I figured this'd be the best place to post a question.
So are prestige missions the only way to earn prestige once you reach Vanguard rank? I'm trying to get more prestige but I don't get how anyone can ever reach 45,000 points just doing daily missions, it seems like it'd take forever. But yeah- you can't get prestige replaying old missions, correct?

So are prestige missions the only way to earn prestige once you reach Vanguard rank?
Yes. You can't get prestige from re-doing rank missions.
If you do a danger mission and aprestige mission, then you get roughly 270 prestige. If you do that every day, then earning 45,000 prestige takes less than half a year. And I'm not even counting special event missions, or geological missions, or those supply missions where you have to give up an item or a supply pack.
I know numerous knights with over 100,000 prestige who don't even play every day. You just have to be a bit patient. Fortunately prestige has no practical use, so you're not being penalized while you wait.

Prestige is rather pointless at the moment
All it really does is show just how long you have been playing. (even then it isn't that reliable since there are several pay to do dailies)
For example a Vanguard with 5,000 prestige hasn't been playing that long and have probably just done the story missions or gotten carried through them.
A Defender Elite with 20,000 prestige though has been playing longer and has done not only (many) story missions but also daily prestige missions.
As a player you can sort of figure out what to expect from a player based on their prestige. High prestige players tend to be more experienced regardless of whether they are Knights or Vanguards.

@ #3:
Agreed. ^
I recall seeing a squire with over 45k prestige in haven once.

Yeah, believe someone has an alt for showing off. Also has 5* pieces being used as costumes for no reason in particular, even though they can't be equipped in the armor slot. Would love to know that person's main account.

I look for specific achievements when in the inspect menu, such as:
- Spiral Spelunker (Tier 2 clearance)
- Go Deep (Tier 3 clearance)
- Free Spirit (Defeat Vana)
- Four and five star smith (4 and 5 alchemy respectively)
- Bronze, silver, and gold survivor (get through Tier 1, 2, and 3 respectively without dying)
- Dauntless Delver (get through all the way to core without dying)

I ran into a guy like that a while ago. He said he had grandfathered in from before they added the rank system, and had acquired his *5 gear before then.
yeah, you can't repeat rank missions for them. Have to do the dailies.
It takes a while but when they have events like Dark Harvest or Winterfest, there are additional prestige missions.