Looking to sell the items below. Feel free to offer me.
Note: Lowball offers will be ignored.
Voltedge- ASI VH, CTR Low
Acheron- ASI High, Undead High
Umbra Driver- ASI High
Magma Driver- ASI High
Divine Avenger- ASI Medium, CTR High
Justifier Jacket- Piercing Max
Skolver Cap- Piercing Medium with Cool Mohawk attached
Skolver Coat- Piercing Medium with Divine Cat Tail attached
Shadowsun Slicker with Prismatic Cat Tail attached
Kat Claw Mask
Dusker Coat- Piercing Medium with Heavy Dragon Wings attached
Prismatic Valkyrie Wings
Divine Valkyrie Wings
Volcanic Valkyrie Wings
Prismatic Dragon Wings
Tails Tail
Prismatic Halo
Divine Wings
Volcanic Wings
Impostoclause Set
Gold rose regalia set
Blue Rose regalia set
Green Rose Regalia set
Contact me in game or comment below if you have interest in anything above.
what kinda csgo keys?