~What’s your in-game name?
Hypo-Valence, my old name was Dragonite-Tamer.
~When did you start playing SK?
December 2012.
~How often do you play SK? Optional: What’s your time zone and at around what time and day do you usually play?
Mostly during weekends, because school. GMT +8.
~What’s your relationship with gremlins? Dun wurry nobody with us hates gremlins for long if you do :3
I love gremlins <3
~What’s your main profession? PvE, LD, BN, merchanting,... or nothing in particular
Is doing nothing a profession? I’m well suited at that
~What can you contribute to our kingdom as an individual knight/gremlin?
Winter confetti. Lots of it. Oh I can attempt to help newer guildies too! But confetti tho
~What rank are you now?
Vanguard 10-3.
~Do you already own a gremlin set? (if not don’t be alarmed we provide many giveaways for gremlin sets "only to those who don’t already own one")
Only a Seerus Mask. But damn do I wear it everyday.
~Are you a social being?
Online, definitely!
~Have you read our rules and do you agree with them?
Yes. Interesting rule about asking before joining open runs, I suppose I will have to get used to that!
apps taken care off (mote to self :list of officers gms need updating)