So I got this gameboy, right? Fairly good condition, will work well, had it for half a year. So I grew sort of sick of it and I wanted to give it to my friends, but they all turned me down or told me to sell it. What do I do?
The gameboy problem
just let me see a few pictures of it then ill give you my address through my email.
sound good?
Let me crunch this problem...
So, the gameboy is at fairly good state, but nobody wants it...
Selling this won't bring so much money, as Gameboy is obsolete and replaced with Nintendo 3DS.
If you give to somebody, then soon after a month they can come and give it back.
Gameboy is a relict (not really) from the past, trashing it may be a BAD idea.
So shortly, sell it on auction at about 25$ and somebody might fight for it.
Because I'm in china, and,, because, italian mafia, etc., I cannot sell it.
Wow, you stalled! (I mean you are stuck with this gameboy)
Send it to charity. Maybe they accept it.
I went to a charity and they said that they wanted, (and in that high pitched teenager voice) "I WANTED AN XBOX WHATS WRONG WITH YOU", and shooed me away. Come on, I need creative solutions.
Option 1: play the games you had on it for nostalgia. For example example: I still play Star Ocean til the end of time on my Playstation 2.
Option 2: trade it in at a local Game store.
Option1: I never played it before. I just looked at it thinking dirty, gangster, thoughts.
Option2: I went to gamestop and they thought I had a bomb. When I explained that it was a gamecube, they rolled their eyes and said, "Why, did it have to be WORSE than a bomb?!" I left the gamestop in disgrace, but not too much, because I buy all my games from steam (lololololo). I'm planning to get rid of it once and for all. It's time (puts on cool sunglasses) for a
(makes guitar riffs with mouth)
(fight-beetle continues with constant guitar riff noises)
Ah, I see. Joke thread nvm.
and bomb jokes aren't to be taken lightly
Keep it, find new games to play